With the India Meteorological Department (IMD) extending rain forecast for three more days, the IT and BPO industry representatives in Hyderabad have held a brainstorming session to device a plan to tackle the situation.

The Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) was created a few years ago to discuss and sort out issues that impact the functioning of the industry. The Cyberabad Police, industry associations, civic authorities and relevant government departments are members of the council.

An emergency meeting of the council had been convened on Friday to discuss the unprecedented rains and disruption of traffic, leading to late reporting by employees.

The council said that work had not been hit, though the time spent by employees for commuting went up significantly.

The meeting has come out with a set of recommendations to ease the situation. They asked the companies to consider implementing staggered timings for reporting and leaving.

“Allow your employees for flexi timings and ask the staff to reduce personal transport and take public transport to reduce the number of vehicles on the road,’’ a Council representative said.

The council, HYSEA (Hyderabad Software Exporters’ Association) and Nasscom have been issuing alerts to its members on their websites and through mails and WhatsApp groups to disseminate information on traffic and security.