Upcoming India Gadget Expo in Hyderabad has got something for hackers to cheer about. The four-day expo beginning September 18 will have a Hackathon Carnival with focus on solutions for smart cities. Hackers would be asked to develop and build solutions in the areas of health, environment, traffic, transportation, security and public grievances.

The 30-hour carnival will provide a platform for hackers to pitch their prototypes and solutions to the industry leaders and investors.

“We are expecting celebrated hackers, professionals and college graduates to take part in the carnival. Experts will join the event to give mentorship,” a statement from India Gadget Expo has said.

Winners would get a chance to pitch their ideas to investors. They could also seek a mentorship at the upcoming T-Hub, the incubation cluster, in Hyderabad.

Idealabs, Hackmania, Hyderabad hackers.in and Hyderabad4Innovation would organise the carnival.