Orange is the New Black, Pirates of the Caribbean hackers threaten more leaks

Orange is the New Black, Pirates of the Caribbean hackers threaten more leaks

The same hacking collective that threatened to leak Orange is the New Black threaten more to come.

Orange is the New Black, Pirates of the Caribbean hackers threaten more leaks

The hackers collective that had held a Disney film at ransom and had leaked episodes of Orange is The New Black is out to leak more films online, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Steve Harvey's Funderdome. Image via Twitter.

The hacking collective, which reportedly goes by the pseudonym ‘TheDarkOverlord’, told the Hollywood news website that it planned to leak additional content after releasing un-aired episodes of ABC’s Funderdome.


It said, “Hollywood is under attack, and we’re at the forefront of this most recent offensive. We’re not in the business to scare anyone. We’re in the business of earning vast amounts of internet money.”

The report also claims that though Netflix and Disney didn’t give in to ransom demands, others quietly have paid up.

TheDarkOverlord had apparently approached ABC, which is going to air the new Steve Harvey hosted show Funderdome, with ‘a handsome business proposal’ but they were not entertained by the studio.

According to Variety , eight episodes of the reality competition series hosted by the comedian-turned-emcee-of-all-things have been uploaded to the Pirate Bay site, where they eagerly await someone’s, anyone’s click-through.


(Also Read: Disney Pictures held to ransom by hackers threatening to leak new Pirates of the Caribbean film )

Previously, the same collective had obtained a Disney film that was rumoured to be Pirates of the Caribbean 5 and held it on ransom. Disney executives had refused to give into their demands.

Similarly, Netflix had also not given into the ransom demands when the collective obtained Orange is the New Black as a result of a breach at post-production studio Larson Studios.

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