The Maersk family investment company takes shape

Two generations in the Maersk family hold central positions in the investment company A.P. Møller Holding, which has now recruited two experienced Maersk execs. With CEO Robert Uggla's own information officer, the company will take on a more outgoing profile. ShippingWatch outlines the new firm here.
Photo: Maersk
Photo: Maersk

The powerhouse of the Maersk family, centralized investment company A.P. Møller Holding, is beginning to take shape after a relatively invisible existence since its creation in December 2013 with just two employees. But with the controlling stake in Maersk Group, the holding company is ultimately the final decision-maker with the power to decide what Maersk will focus on or, specifically, whether the vast fortune should be invested in ships, drilling rigs, or something else altogether.

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