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Survey: Brexit is causing delays but architects are split on long-term impact

Two thirds of architects are experiencing delays on projects following the EU independence referendum, according to a new survey

The survey of 100 architects and specifiers by glass manufacturer Pilkington found that, despite these problems, the profession is split on the long-term impact of Brexit on foreign investment in the UK.

While nearly half (46 per cent) of those surveyed thought that Brexit will have a negative effect on foreign investment, four in 10 said it would increase.

Phil Savage, commercial contracts sales manager at Pilkington said: ‘Clearly, uncertainty following the decision to leave the EU is causing clients to tread carefully in terms of their investments in the UK built environment.


‘But it’s heartening to see that many professionals aren’t predicting doom and gloom but are, in fact, bullish about the outlook over the next two years.’

Views on the referendum’s effect on the construction industry over the next five years were split, with 38 per cent believing Brexit will cause a slowdown and 40 per cent disagreeing.

The survey also found that one in 10 of the architects polled predicted growth of more than 20 per cent during the next two years.

The residential sector was seen as the sector with most potential, followed by industrial developments and education, then retail and commercial projects.

On average, respondents are planning to invest 9 per cent of revenue in research and development over the next two years.


The positive plans that are in place for investment in R&D are reassuring to see

Ian Ritchie, of Ian Ritchie Architects, said: ‘While it is encouraging to see the confidence among architects, it’s important to remember that they are not in a position to drive the industry forward when the economy is somewhat stalled. That role falls to those who fund projects.

‘Having said that, the positive plans that are in place for investment in R&D are reassuring to see, as this will be crucial in making the technical advances and developments that will deliver the next generation of buildings.’

One comment

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