The article is more than 7 years old

Police upgrade charges over neo-Nazi protest death

A founding member of Finland's leading neo-Nazi organisation is now suspected of aggravated assault and aggravated involuntary manslaughter over the death of a man, following an assault he allegedly perpetrated at a protest in September.

Törkeästä kuolemantuottamuksesta epäilty Jesse Torniainen (kuvassa oikealla) oikeudessa asianajajansa kanssa.
Jesse Torniainen, who is charged with aggravated assault and aggravated involuntary manslaughter over the death of a man at a neo-Nazi demo. Image: AOP

Jesse Torniainen, a neo-Nazi who helped found Finland's prominent far-right organisation, the Finnish Resistance Movement (FRM), is now suspected of aggravated assault and aggravated involuntary manslaughter over the death of a bystander after an FRM demonstration in September.

The passer-by in question had spat on the ground near the organisation's demonstration before walking away. Police suspect that Torniainen ran after him to kick him in the chest. The victim fell to the ground, unconscious, and later died of his injuries.

Torniainen has denied the charges.

Latest: paketissa on 10 artikkelia