Lindsay Lohan: Middle East analyst?!

Published December 1st, 2016 - 02:47 GMT
Lohan is more famous for roles in "Mean Girls" and "The Parent Trap" than her political beliefs (Wikimedia Commons)
Lohan is more famous for roles in "Mean Girls" and "The Parent Trap" than her political beliefs (Wikimedia Commons)

Lindsay Lohan is famous for her… interesting remarks on Arabs and the Middle East, whether posting “You’re a donkey” instead of “You’re beautiful” in Arabic, putting on a suspiciously Arab-sounding accent, or instagramming Quranic verses.

However, this week the “Mean Girls” actress has entered into a new realm for her: Middle Eastern politics. She posted the following tweet on Wednesday.

Apparently the Russian reads “everyone is with Putin” - we're not quite sure where she was going with that either.

As tens of thousands flee East Aleppo under heavy regime bombardment and the rapid advance of Assad’s government forces, Lohan's words of solidarity come at an opportune moment.

Syrian Twitter users responded to thank Lohan:

Other Tweeters pointed out the irony that an actress, better known for her court appearances and struggles with addiction, had a more compassionate take on things than most supposed experts and world-leaders:

Blumenthal wrote a controversial piece showing pro-Assad sympathies and criticizing the widely-praised Syrian Civil Defense League or “White Helmets”.

Many have criticized the failure of the international community to act meaningfully against the ongoing slaughter of civilians in the Syrian civil war. Today the UN's humanitarian chief, Stephen O’Brien warned that Eastern Aleppo was being turned into “one giant graveyard,” in the face of Russian intransigence.

Lohan, who has "flirted with Islam", has previously volunteered supporting Syrian refugees in Turkey.

It is a sad state of affairs when it takes a former Hollywood child star to remind us to feel compassion for human suffering and to jolt us out of our apathy.


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