As part of MASKéNADA’s “Underground” series, a walking area has been installed in the Hussigny-Godbrange iron mine in France, close to the Luxembourgish border; performances will take place on several dates in October and November.

The mine, which was used between 1878 and 1978, is open to the public several times a year for special visits, and one such is the visit as part of the first project in MASKéNada’s Underground series, Terminus. It has been organised in collaboration with the Association for Industrial History of Hussigny-Godbrange.

The project, which has been directed by Anouck Schiltz and Misch Feinen, allows viewers to follow an installation path where mechanical puppets play the actors in the performance. It deals with the themes of human exploitation and that of the planet, for instance the consequences of the exhaustion of man and natural resources. The event will take place in the dark, where spectators will be absorbed into a parallel universe for a sensory experience, lost in time and space.

The visit will also feature a snack bar in the mine.

Performances will take place on 28 and 29 October and 12, 13, 25 and 26 November at 19:30, as well as on 30 October and 27 November at 17:00.

Prices are €20/ €10 reduced/ ‎€1.50 (Kulturpass)

Reservations can be made online at, via email at, or via telephone at +352 2748 9382.