A Supermodel Uncovers the Elixir of Youth

A Supermodel Uncovers the Elixir of Youth
By Invitation
Gautam Kapur

One of the top models of the 1990s, fondly known as Gomzie by the fashion fraternity, cherry-picks seven rules to keeping you in top order.

You are what you eat

Change is probably one of the most difficult things to do, but it is also most times the best thing to do. Change requires development and moving from the past ways of doing things, requires leaving your comfort zone and taking risks. Therefore, it could be very uncomfortable and challenging. But sometimes, it is necessary. Thus, it has to be done, most especially in the area of food. Have your fundamental choices of food changed? If not, you are in a very round room going around in circles. The quote by Aristotle comes to mind here: “We are what we repeatedly do” and we can extend it to say that we are what we eat. What we eat over an amount of time accumulates and produces results, good or bad.

You will not kid yourself

Everything we do has consequences, no matter what it is. So if indulging in sweets and junk has become your norm, be ready to let bulges become your norm as well. You do not sow mangoes and get oranges; you get exactly what you give. So if you want to live healthy, then you have to work towards it and avoid things that would prevent you from getting what you want.

You need your greens

Salads are loaded with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A for immunity; Vitamin C to fight infection, boost iron absorption, maintain healthy bones, gums and skin; vitamin K (strong bones, heal wounds, assists blood to clot); calcium (build strong teeth and bones, assists blood to clot, nerves to carry messages, muscles to contract); alpha and beta carotene (antioxidant that help protect against cancer and heart disease); iron (maintain healthy blood) and many other vitamins and minerals. Nourishment of the skin and to get that healthy glow is the need of the hour. To keep your skin healthy and your face looking great, make sure you have a generous portion of salad leaves and green foods every day. My daily salad intake includes iceberg lettuce, spinach, kale, rocket leaves with a light dressing. Please avoid thousand island dressing and high calorie dressings; it’s self-defeating and puts your efforts to waste.

You will stock up intelligently

You do not have to deal with boring diets just to stay healthy. You can make your food interesting yet healthy. For example, instead of dealing with bland meals, you could stock up your kitchen with healthy options like seeds, nuts, and other munchies when you feel like snacking. Make yourself a few healthy salad and snack options, readily available for you to eat when you are hungry as opposed to reaching out for that bag of crisps.

You will sleep well

Shakespeare once aptly wrote: “Sleep: Nature’s soft nurse”. A lot of people have mixed up the concept of sleep. Most of us seem to think sleep is a luxury we cannot afford to have or that sleep is a way of adding weight. Well, of course, everything done in excess is not good. So yes, too many hours spent sleeping is equivalent to living a sedentary lifestyle and that can be unhealthy. However, the benefit of adequate sleep cannot be stressed enough. Sleep is like giving our body the care it needs after all the usual stress it goes through throughout the day. Our bodies need a well-deserved rest after the day’s work. And contrary to popular belief, you are actually likely to lose more weight if you allow your body the appropriate sleep time it needs to rest.

You will not sit

A lot of people do not live actively. Nothing wrong with watching a bit of TV, but spending hours in front of the idiot box, computers, or hunched over your smartphone can cause serious lethargy. So engaging in regular exercise and a sport routine becomes a burden and thus starts the road that may lead you to being overweight or even obese. With this come a range of health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. For people who are desk bound, a simple solution is to stretch those muscles whilst sitting, flex your legs, stretching your triceps, and many simple exercises.

You need your amino acids

Our body contains proteins, about 20 percent of it in fact. Protein plays a vital role in our body and amino acids are the building block of that protein. A large portion of our body — cells, muscles and tissues — contains amino acids. It is very important in providing structure to our cells and ultimately our body. Do no underestimate the need of amino acids in your diet.

Don't be Fooled: Be Conscious Fountain of Youth
by Gautam Kapur is available on amazon.in and beconscious.in