Brow Beat

In a Beautiful Metaphor for Trump’s Republican Party, Here is a Skunk With Its Head Stuck in a Coke Can

As we all prepare for Monday night’s trainwreck of a debate, one of the only pleasures is imagining the absurd positions mainstream Republicans will have to defend Tuesday. Will Trump push for nationwide stop and frisk policies? Will he encourage the debate audience to start a brawl? Call Harriet Tubman a thug? Give a shout out to his Nazi Twitter base? Devote his closing statement to a passionate speech about his daughter’s appearance? The possibilities are endless and endlessly horrifying. The only upside is imagining Reince Priebus trying to find a way to defend his party’s nominee tomorrow. So in honor of the Republican Party finally nominating a candidate who can give voice to its bedrock principles, here’s a video of a skunk with its head stuck in a Coke can.

The video, via Laughing Squid, shows Mike MacMillan rescuing a skunk from this unfortunate predicament, much as Hillary Clinton has inexplicably decided to give Republican war criminals room to pretend Trump’s ideas are outside of the party’s mainstream. Watching that skunk scurry around in circles like Reince running from Sunday talk show to Sunday talk show will bring joy to the blackest of hearts. Poor li’l guy! But there’s a larger moral in this charming skunk video: If you feast on garbage for decades, sooner or later you’re going to get your nose stuck. And even if a good Samaritan frees you from the Coke can, you’re still a skunk.