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The Basque Government has published the list of participants in Gaztemundu 2016, dedicated to gastronomy


The Resolution by Director of Relations with the Basque Community Abroad
The Resolution by Director of Relations with the Basque Community Abroad


The Basque Government has published the list of participants in the 2016 Gaztemundu program.  The Resolution will go into effect after its publication in the Official Bulletin of the Basque Country.  There are 25 participants from 23 Basque clubs, with 22 coming from Argentina, two from Chile and one from the US.  Gaztemundu 2016 will take place October 1-16 based in Donostia-San Sebastian, organized by the Basque Culinary Center.

Vitoria-Gasteiz.   The Basque Government, through a Resolution by the Director of the Basque Community Abroad, Asier Vallejo Itsaso, published the list of participants for Gaztemundu 2016.  There are 25 in all between the ages of 18 and 35, belonging to 23 Basque clubs, 22 from Argentina, 2 from Chile and 1 from the US. The program, dedicated to Basque Gastronomy, will take place October 1-16 in Donostia- San Sebastian, with technical support being provided by the Basque Culinary Center.

Following is the list of participants (susceptible to some changes):


-Arregui Silvina Paola Centro Vasco Euzko Etxea (Villa María, Córdoba)
-Asín Diego Ariel Centro Vasco 'Zelaiko Euskal Etxea' (Santa Rosa, La Pampa)
-Barroso Urdampilleta Sofía Centro Vasco 'Hiru Erreka' (Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires)
-Beramendi Pedro Javier Fundación Vasco Argentina Juan de Garay (CABA)
-Beroqui Laura Lucía Aberri Etxea Euskal Etxea (Viedma, Río Negro)
-Borghi Barbara Tamara Emakume Abertzale Batza-Asociación de Mujeres Vascas (Rosario, Santa Fe)
-Cozzi Barquín Tomás Centro Laurak Bat (CABA)
-Echeverría María Sofía Centro Vasco 'Euzko Etxea' (Villa María, Córdoba)
-Etcheverry Andoni Centro Basko 'Euzko Etxea' (La Plata, Buenos Aires)
-Funes Mauro Asociación Centro Rincón Vasco 'Euzko Txokoa' (General Acha, La Pampa)
-Iparraguirre Tatiana Centro Vasco Loreta'ko Euskaldunak (Las Flores, Buenos Aires)
-Irastorza Fermín Aberri Etxea Euskal Etxea (Viedma, Río Negro)
-Itcea Ana Laura Centro Vasco 'Eusko Aterpea' (General Rodríguez, Buenos Aires)
-Massimi Luca Angel Centro Vasco Euskal
Etxea (San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Buenos Aires)
-Miguelena Valentina Centro Basko Lagun Onak (Pergamino, Buenos Aires)
-Monterrosa Agustina Centro Vasco Argentino Zingirako Euskaldunak (Chascomús, Buenos Aires)
-Morella Mercado Eugenio Rodolfo Centro Vasco Zazpirak Bat (Rosario, Santa Fe)
-Muñiz Agustín Centro Vasco Denak Bat (Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires)
-Ondona Padrón Juan Javier Unión Vasca Sociedad de Socorros Mutuos (Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires)
-Vergel Eduardo Andrés Asociación Euskal Echea de Socorros Mutuos (Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut)
-Vignolo Echaniz Matías Asociación Vasco Argentina Urrundik (Paraná, Entre Ríos)
-Villada Iris Centro Vasco Toki Eder (José C. Paz, Buenos Aires)


-Echeverría Rodríguez Noemí Constanza Eusko Etxea Casa Vasca de Chile (Santiago)
-Velarde Arraztoa María del Carmen Eusko Etxea
Casa Vasca de Valparaíso (Viña del Mar)


-Bicandi Izar Miren Euzkaldunak, Inc., Boise Basque Center (Boise, Idaho)

-The Basque Government’s resolution (with names of individuals that weren’t admitted and why), here
-Call with complete information, here

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