Presented by Vinita Bahri-Mehra; Deb Scherer, Columbus 2020; Dominick Warner, BDO; Greg Ubert, The Crimson Cup; Carl Lukach, Abercrombie & Fitch

On September 8, 2016 Kegler Brown's Global Business Attorney, Vinita Bahri-Mehra was a part of a panel discussion along with BDO's International Tax Senior Manager Dominick Warner, Crimson Cup's President Greg Ubert, and Abercrombie & Fitch's Vice President of Corporate Development Jennifer Press.

The panelists discussed their experiences and what they consider to be best practices when it comes to franchising + licensing abroad. While most of this event consisted of audience Q&A, moderated by Deborah Scherer of Columbus 2020, Vinita and Dominick each gave brief presentations on different aspects of international franchising.

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