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The Ivy owner Richard Caring owed ‘£850,000 following BHS collapse’

Richard Caring, a former BHS shareholder and the owner of restaurants and clubs including The Ivy, said businesses he owned were left with debts totalling more than £850,000 when BHS went into administration, in new evidence submitted to MPs.

The extent of Caring’s involvement is not yet known but the business man, who ceased to be a shareholder in BHS 10 years ago, said: “We have also been left with almost a million garments ordered for BHS for which we now no longer have a customer.” 

His letter was sent as he said he was unable to attend the joint select committee hearing on Wednesday this week.

Frank Field, chair of the work and pensions committee, and Iain Wright, chair of the business, innovation and skills committee, have since sent back a series of further questions covering Caring’s involvement with Arcadia boss Sir Philip Green, the dividends paid out of BHS during his time as a shareholder and why BHS ultimately collapsed earlier this year.

The two letters are attached.

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