• Stuart Charity
    Stuart Charity

Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) executive director Stuart Charity has again called out the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) for exaggerating claims made against counterfeit goods entering the market.

The FCAI recently revealed insights into a study that suggested counterfeit parts could increase the risk of danger to child safety in school zones because of their comparitvely heavy weight resulting in higher impact.

Charity believes that the FCAI is using scare tactics to push its 'Genuine Is Best' campaign.

"The purported increase of counterfeit parts in Australia are not supported by any facts.

"It also seems ‘coincidental’ that this increase in the reporting of counterfeit parts has coincided directly with the launch of the FCAI public relations campaign which is funded directly by the car industry using Toyota’s PR agency with the sole objective of selling more genuine parts.

"You’ll notice that every media release or announcement on counterfeit parts links back to a statement by the FCAI and the ‘moral of the story’ is only buy genuine parts from dealers if you want to protect the safety of your family."

The FCAI launched its 'Genuine Is Best' campaign launched in June last year.

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