Pygmy politicians and the betrayal of Britain


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
George MacDonald Fraser is remembered for his series of novels starring Harry Flashman, a skirt-chasing rogue and officer caught up in the great military campaigns of Victorian Britain.

The acclaimed author was an unabashed patriot given to colourful views. A few years before he died in 2008, when Tony Blair's Labour government was seriously considering that the UK should join the euro, he wrote an article that was as brilliant as it was provocative — arguing that the EU was a disaster zone and closer involvement would lead only to catastrophe.

Here, we reproduce it...

Betrayal of Britain: Some years ago, GEORGE MacDONALD FRASER penned a savage attack on the EU and our pygmy politicians. Unashamedly patriotic and blisteringly provocative, it was also very prescient. Just how prescient, you decide...

By George Macdonald Fraser
23 June 2016
Daily Mail

George MacDonald Fraser is remembered for his series of novels starring Harry Flashman, a skirt-chasing rogue and officer caught up in the great military campaigns of Victorian Britain.

The acclaimed author was an unabashed patriot given to colourful views. A few years before he died in 2008, when Tony Blair's Labour government was seriously considering that the UK should join the euro, he wrote an article that was as brilliant as it was provocative — arguing that the EU was a disaster zone and closer involvement would lead only to catastrophe.

Here, we reproduce it...

Lovable rogue: George MacDonald Fraser's adventurer Harry Flashman

Suppose in 1945, with the Nazi war machine smashed and Britain rejoicing after the greatest victory in her history, we had been told:

'Of course, 50 years hence your leaders will have surrendered your sovereignty to the people you've just defeated and those you've liberated.

'In effect, they will be your masters, your lawmakers — oh, and incidentally, it will be a crime to sell in pounds and ounces . . .' The prophet would have been ridiculed, perhaps even reviled as a traitor, and probably put in a padded cell.

Well, it has happened.

Since 1973, when the country was dragooned into the Common Market by Edward Heath, successive governments, with a cynical disregard for public opinion, have squandered countless millions of treasure for the benefit of the moocher [cadging] nations of the EU, and in return our farming and fishing industries have been brought to the brink of ruin, our constitution undermined and our laws, passed by properly elected Britons, brushed aside whenever they are at odds with the directives of unelected foreign bureaucrats whose corruption is a byword, in whose appointment we had no say, but whose will is sovereign while ours goes for nothing.

Having been sold out not just tamely, but positively eagerly, we have seen despatched to the governing bodies of Europe our sorriest political failures, cast-offs and has-beens, who of course are pro-European to a man, since Europe has provided them (and in some cases, their families) from time to time with a gravy-soaked alternative to the unemployment they deserve.

We, and other European nations, have to pay for a 'Parliament' which has rather flatteringly been described as 'an unspeakable assembly . . . of self-important nonentities', and which not only performs no useful function but is a positively harmful and colossally expensive dead weight existing for nothing but the benefit of its members.

Worse still, our leaders have been criminally stupid in embracing, and enshrining in our law, the wicked and misguided twaddle of European 'human rights', submitting to the ruling of that unqualified kangaroo assembly, the European Court, and using all this farrago of Continental nonsense as an excuse for destroying the fabric of our nation.

'We have to do it because Brussels says we must.' How often have we heard this pathetic whine from a gutless government?

Is it not remarkable that Britain, with a record on human rights superior to any other nation's, Britain which has done more to spread honest law and democracy than all the European states together, Britain whose ideas and ideals have been adopted by every respectable people on earth, should be lectured on 'human rights' by the Continent which gave us the Holocaust, the Inquisition, the French Revolution and subsequent horrors of Napoleonic aggression, the police state, fascism, communism, and other benefits too numerous to mention — to say nothing of being so wicked, corrupt and feeble that within living memory it had to be rescued by Britain, America and Russia.

Brazen impudence is too mild a phrase for the effrontery of the European Court in issuing its diktats to us, and supine behaviour of all our political parties who have been so craven and witless as to accept them.

I am ranting, no doubt about it. But then, I am enraged at what has been done to my country by the contemptible dross elected to Westminster in evil hours, worst of all the Heath government which gave Britain its death blow, and New Labour who have trampled on the corpse.

But not half so angry, I dare swear, as our forefathers would be if they could see the betrayal, by worthless politicians, of the country they worked so hard to build, and the surrender of the precious freedoms won by better men at Trafalgar, Waterloo, Flanders and El Alamein and in the skies above the Weald of Kent.

'Oh, emotive drum-beating!' I can hear the snoopopaths cry. 'Jingoism of the most Victorian kind, a bellow from a bygone age!' That is how they see their country's past, and are too stupid and complacent to look to its future. But even they would do well to ask

themselves what Churchill and Elizabeth I would have thought of the pass to which Britain has been brought in the past half-century. It will be said that these worthies belonged to other times, and their notions are out of date. Not so.

The freedoms they believed in are eternal, and we will lose them for ever if we allow ourselves to be conned or bullied into, first, joining the ludicrous euro, and inevitably thereafter, railroaded into a European superstate, a union of European soviets controlled by people whose ways are not our ways, whose values are not our values, and whose polities have shown themselves inferior to ours at any time during the past millennium.

Consider how willingly they accept dictatorship, whether of Louis XIV or Napoleon or Hitler or Mussolini or Franco, and compare their pathetic record with ours.

Europe is simply not fit to have any say in British affairs.

Corruption is plainly endemic; the bribe, the backhander, the favour, the nepotism, the freebie at public expense — these are the air the EU breathes, and there are signs in our own political establishment that the infection is spreading, although we still, fortunately, have some way to go before our scandals reach European proportions.

The totalitarian dangers of Europeanisation are to be seen at every turn.

Since 1973, when the country was dragooned into the Common Market by Edward Heath, successive governments, with a cynical disregard for public opinion, have squandered countless millions of treasure for the benefit of the moocher [cadging] nations of the EU

It is European gospel that EU Commissioners must put Europe ahead of their national loyalties. Personally, I am conscious of no obligation to Bulgaria or Romania, to name but two, and the last thing I want is these sponger nations consuming our national wealth and, in time no doubt, imposing on us the 'democratic ideals' they learned under communism.

The great mystery is why the Eurofanatics want to see us under the sway of Brussels.

It has already cost us a fortune and done us untold damage: why should they wish to cost us more and damage us still further?

The motive of those on the European gravy-train is plain enough, but what's in it for those commercial interest spokesmen who clamour for the euro and closer integration?

Short-term profit? Perhaps; there are those quite base and stupid enough to think the loss of national sovereignty a small price to pay for lining their pockets.

They would probably be on the Right, but what attracts the Left? Being part of a glorious union of Socialist Republics?

There are some, to be sure, who have entirely different notions about independence and national honour and integrity from the rest of us.

The child of, say, Balkan immigrants may well have a different concept of what it means to be British (supposing he has any at all beyond possession of a passport) than the man or woman whose ancestors have been here for a thousand years. (And that will be denounced by liberals as an abominably racist thing to say. Which doesn't stop it being true.)

One way or another, the question whether Britain remains a free nation or becomes the vassal of a totalitarian Europe will be settled soon, and those who oppose our further integration would do well to remember, and proclaim as widely and as loudly as possible, the unashamed dishonesty that has characterised the pro- European movement from the beginning. Not since Lenin and Hitler cast their obscene spells has there been a political campaign so blatantly mendacious. In 1973, we were assured it was merely a Common Market, and that no political union was envisaged: it is now shamelessly admitted that this was untrue, that political union was the aim from the start.

Whether one can trace this back to Vichy France's collaboration with Nazi Germany, and the plan drawn up by the defeated Nazi generals in 1946 for an armed and united Europe dominated and led by Germany, is a matter for conjecture; what is certain is that the past 30 years has seen the mischief moving into high gear: lie has been piled on lie, deceit on deceit, and folly on folly, and there can be no one, surely, so naïve as to suppose that the underlying motives of the Euromaniacs are pure and altruistic.

It has actually been pretended that European Union has kept the peace for half a century. This is one of the silliest lies; the peace has been kept by nuclear deterrence — and the fact that Germany has been in no position to flex its military muscles.

One need cite only a few examples of the Europhiles' lack of scruples. There was the refusal to accept the original Danish 'no' vote [in a 1992 vote on the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, which created the EU and paved the way for the euro], with the referendum being re-run so that the Eurocrooks could get the right answer.

Also, the sorry lie that failure to join the euro could jeopardise eight million British jobs. And the disgraceful conduct of the Conservative government in bullying and blackmailing its backbench sheep at the time of Maastricht.

But the most dishonourable ploy of all has been the red herring thrown in the public's face by the European lobby implying that the sovereignty issue is irrelevant.

For sovereignty matters above all, the right to make our own laws (thrown away with the incorporation of the mad and disgusting European Convention on Human Rights into our domestic law, which has already caused disruption in our courts), the right to be independent of the unworthy, undemocratic, unprincipled, authoritarian, bureaucratic rabble of Brussels.

That, first, last, and every time, is what matters. In comparison, 'economic criteria' pale into irrelevance. We do not need the euro, the Monopoly money which begins to bear a close resemblance to French Revolutionary and Weimar currency.

Those who do want it parrot the cry that common currency will not lead to political union, but that is a falsehood wasted, for everyone knows that political union, the declared aim, would be inevitable.

The British people have shown that they want neither, and a growing number would like to see us out of Europe altogether.

It is probably the knowledge of this that has driven the scaremongering of the Europhiles to the point of desperation. My fear, and it is a growing one, is that pusillanimous, foolish and morally bankrupt politicians will complete the process begun by Heath in 1973, and Britain will become a helpless cog in the European machine, a mere province of the Holy Brussels Empire without real power or influence in the face of our traditional enemies.

Babble about being 'at the heart of Europe' is wishful thinking.

My hope, and it is a fervent but slender one, is in two stages.

First, I hope to see the British public resist the propaganda onslaught of the pro-Europeans, in which the broadcast media, led by the BBC, have shown themselves willing tools of the government, and vote a resounding 'no' in the referendum, if and when it comes.

I believe they will, in spite of Blair's patronising arrogance in suggesting that Britons can be 'educated' into compliance. My second stage, whether a referendum were 'no' or not, is less probable. I want to see the whole rotten edifice of the EU collapse in ruin, and if Britain can emerge from the wreck with her nationhood intact, then whatever temporary damage she has suffered by her ill-starred involvement will have been a small price to pay for independence.

I suppose it is just a pipe-dream, but if we must, in the mysterious future, belong to any bloc, for God's sake let it be the North American one.

However the ethnic mix of the United States may have changed, they are our people still, in language and culture and ideals.

Nothing but good come could of a reunion of the English-speaking peoples — not only Britain and American but the old Empire and Commonwealth countries, our kinsfolk, who stood by us when Europe crumpled, and who, we may hope, would be magnanimous enough to forgive and forget our betrayal of them in 1973.

Alas, it is probably too late, not only to hope for a North Atlantic Union, but to prevent Britain being sucked into Europe. The poor stewardship of the Conservatives, no less than the apostasy of the Labour Party, has left the pass wide open for sale.

While Labour stood firm, and there were enough Tory patriots to stand too, we could hope, but that hope is fading now.

How tragic, how degrading, that the marvellous thing that was Britain, the wonder of the world, should after all the travail and suffering and heroism and sacrifice and sheer bloody genius of centuries, end with the sorriest of whimpers, sold down the river by mere politicians, unworthy and third rate.

Adapted from The Light's On at Signpost by George MacDonald Fraser, published by Harper Collins at £8.99. © George MacDonald Fraser 2002. To order a copy, call 0844 571 0640 or visit Mail Book Shop - Daily Mail

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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Fraser's a genius. His Flashman series, and his utterly hysterical account of the 92d Highlanders at the end of WWII, are wonderful.

One question, though. In what way is Europe (I presume he means the EU) totalitarian?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Fraser's a genius. His Flashman series, and his utterly hysterical account of the 92d Highlanders at the end of WWII, are wonderful.

One question, though. In what way is Europe (I presume he means the EU) totalitarian?

The EU has got five presidents, none of whom were elected by the people and none of whom most of the EU's 508 million citizens would be able to name.

In Britain, laws are made by our elected representatives in the Commons before they are passed to the unelected Lords for approval. In the European Parliament it's the other way around - laws are made by unelected bureaucrats before they are passed to the elected MEPs in the parliament for approval.

In 2009, the Irish voted against the Lisbon Treaty in a referendum. The EU didn't like that result and ordered them to retake the referendum. The Irish voted in favour of it the second time around.

So it sounds pretty totalitarian to me.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The EU has got five presidents, none of whom were elected by the people and none of whom most of the EU's 508 million citizens would be able to name.
Great Britain has one Prime Minister who was elected by the people of one small district, and an entire House of Parliament "elected" by kings who've been dead for centuries. Don't think you're in a real good position to gripe.

In Britain, laws are made by our elected representatives in the Commons before they are passed to the unelected Lords for approval. In the European Parliament it's the other way around - laws are made by unelected bureaucrats before they are passed to the elected MEPs in the parliament for approval.
You think the Members actually research and write those laws themselves. That's so cute!

In 2009, the Irish voted against the Lisbon Treaty in a referendum. The EU didn't like that result and ordered them to retake the referendum. The Irish voted in favour of it the second time around.

So it sounds pretty totalitarian to me.
In 1975, the British voted to join the EU. UKKKIP doesn't like that result and has successfully pushed for the British to retake the referendum.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Great Britain has one Prime Minister who was elected by the people of one small district,

The British, like the Canadians, don't elect their Prime Minister. They elect the party they want to run the country. We have a parliamentary system, not a presidential one.

and an entire House of Parliament "elected" by kings who've been dead for centuries.

I'm sorry but you've lost me there.
In 1975, the British voted to join the EU. UKKKIP doesn't like that result and has successfully pushed for the British to retake the referendum.

No, they didn't. Britain joined the EEC (it became the EU in 1993) in 1973, and were took into it by the Heath government without the voters being asked whether they wanted it or not. In 1975 we had an in/out referendum like the one we are having now and Remain won.

The government is prepared to take us into the EU without consulting voters yet it isn't prepared to take us out of it without consulting voters.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The British, like the Canadians, don't elect their Prime Minister. They elect the party they want to run the country. We have a parliamentary system, not a presidential one.
Precisely. You're undemocratic.

I'm sorry but you've lost me there.
You don't know how Lords got to be that way?

No, they didn't. Britain joined the EEC (it became the EU in 1993) in 1973, and were took into it by the Heath government without the voters being asked whether they wanted it or not. In 1975 we had an in/out referendum like the one we are having now and Remain won.
That's what I said. You had your referendum, made your decision, and now UKKKIP wants a do-over. And will undoubtedly call for do-overs again and again until they get what they want, and then with the typical charlatanry and dishonesty, oppose even having another referendum ever after.

The government is prepared to take us into the EU without consulting voters yet it isn't prepared to take us out of it without consulting voters.
Already consulted them. In 1975.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Precisely. You're undemocratic.

We're a lot more democratic than the EU.

You don't know how Lords got to be that way?

It's an ancient institution which has probably evolved several times over the centuries.

In Britain, laws are made by our 650 elected representatives in the Commons before they are passed to the 800 unelected Lords for approval (the Lords is the second largest legislature in the world after China's National People's Congress, which has an amazing 2987 members, and is the only upper house of any bicameral parliament to be larger than its respective lower house). In the European Parliament it's the other way around - laws are made by unelected bureaucrats before they are passed to the elected MEPs in the parliament for approval.

That's what I said. You had your referendum, made your decision, and now UKKKIP wants a do-over. And will undoubtedly call for do-overs again and again until they get what they want, and then with the typical charlatanry and dishonesty, oppose even having another referendum ever after.

That was on 5th June 1975 - that's 41 years ago. Even if you were 18 then and just about old enough to vote in it, you'd be 59 now. So no British citizen under the age of 59 has ever been given the chance to have a say at the ballot box on whether they want to be a part of the EU. This referendum was long overdue.

Already consulted them. In 1975.

41 years ago.

Flashman is one of my heroes.

Ironically (because when it comes to this referendum, Flashman would take the opposite view to Cameron), Cameron has been nicknamed "Flashman" ever since he became PM in 2010.

Undeterred by his own cowardice, Sir Harry Paget Flashman won the Victoria Cross, the Order of Bath and the Order of the Indian Empire, mainly by showing up in the right 19th-century war zones at the right moments.

Likewise, there are those who see the Tory leader as slippery, bullying, steeped in undeserved success and the English art of veiling ruthlessness with manners: a Victorian rogue born out of time.

Remain: the left has lined up with the establishment

Tom Slater
deputy editor

22 June 2016

Leftists now put bankers and bureaucrats before the people

Brexit is a fake revolt’, writes Paul Mason in the Guardian this week: ‘Working-class culture is being hijacked to help the elite.’ A withering article in Vice agrees. ‘Brexit is the upper classes in revolt’, writes Sam Kriss. ‘They see an undemocratic and unaccountable EU elite ruling by diktat and an unfounded sense of their own superiority, and they think: hey, that’s our job.’ Among nominally metropolitan, left-wing Remainers – or, in Mason’s case, Abstainers – this has become the overriding narrative: that Brexit is the establishment.

It’s also utter balls. Let’s run through the list of those who back Remain: there’s the prime minister; all the major political parties; every major world leader; the IMF; the Bank of England… Oh and, after this morning, we can add to that the entire British capitalist class. In a letter in The Times, 1,700 of the UK’s leading business leaders back Remain, and prominent among them are the CEOs of JP Morgan, HSBC and Goldman Sachs. You know, those fatcat bankers we hear so much about.

It doesn’t get much more establishment than that. And yet for all the Remain camp carping about the ‘post-fact politics’ of the Leave side, metropolitan lefties, those most passionate about staying in the EU, have long departed from reality on the question of who is establishment. After all, the Guardian, the in-house paper of the Hampstead set that formally backed Remain this week, still likes to pose as the radical voice of the people. This is despite the fact that the people don’t read it, nor care much what it thinks about anything.

In the final few weeks of the referendum, the chasm between these pro-prole posers and the actual working class has been stark. Not only do a majority of skilled and unskilled workers want Out, but left-wing Remainers seem incapable of making their case without appealing to the opinions of experts, technocrats and the mega rich. The front page of yesterday’s Guardian carried both its plea for a Remain vote, in the name of a ‘free people in a peaceful Europe’, and a headline bearing business magnate George Soros’s warning that Brexit would bring on economic oblivion.

Left-wing Remainers’ recourse to cheap, Project Fear tactics speaks to a fundamental prejudice: they think the masses are so irrational that they must either be encouraged to defer to the wisdom of the experts or, better still, spooked into making the right decision. Even their more leftish pro-EU appeals to workers’ rights reveal their paralysing fear of the public taking politics into their own hands: according to them, workers’ rights must be protected by the Brussels elite because thicko Brits will just give them away by voting Tory at the ballot box.

Forget the fact that this alleged ‘bonfire of workers’ rights’, which we’re told will be lit by a Brexit, has no basis in reality. Forget the fact that we are talking about voting to leave, not voting for Vote Leave. None of it matters. Liberal Remainers are simply so petrified of putting the demos back into democracy that defending the stagnant, anti-democratic and, as it happens, anti-worker EU has become their supreme priority. And if that means lining up with David Cameron, Christine Lagarde and all the other ‘neoliberals’ they usually rage against in the comment pages, then so be it. Even Owen Jones, author of The Establishment, is now campaigning for the establishment.

When the liberal elite isn’t scaring the working class, it’s smearing them. Beneath every broadside against the ‘xenophobic’ Leave camp is a barely veiled dig at us oiks. The language has been astounding. Polly Toynbee, channeling Katie Hopkins, has accused the Leave campaign of ‘lifting stones’ – revealing, presumably, the cockroach-like wretches below. Nick Cohen, with shades of ‘Rivers of Blood’, said ‘the sewers have burst’. For all the talk of Brexiteer bigotry, no dodgy UKIP poster or speculation about Obama’s heritage compares to the abject disgust left-wing Remainers bear for working-class Leavers.

In their calmer moments, leftish Remainers try to put words in people’s mouths. They weep for workers languishing on zero-hours contracts, brutalised by Tory austerity and left uncertain, fearful, and liable to be exploited by demagogues and racists. ‘We hear your pain, but this is not the answer’, they say. But this patronising ventriloquism act only underlines their prejudices. The idea that the British working classes want to retake democratic control, that they are motored by something bigger than bigotry, ignorance or fear, just doesn’t compute.

Brexit isn’t a vote for the establishment. Not least because the entire world’s establishment is currently screeching at us to vote Remain, or else. But this doesn’t mean that the official Leave camp is therefore salt-of-the-earth. Of course it isn’t. The reason that a selection of eccentric right-wingers, Tory Party opportunists and former rugby-club chairmen have come to lead the democratic Brexit fightback is precisely because the left has abandoned the field. In an age when the left has given up on democracy, when it is not only detached from the working class but disgusted by it, Boris Johnson can pose as a man of the people.

Whatever way the vote goes tomorrow, one thing will be certain: these leftish Remainers can no longer claim to be anti-establishment. They are the establishment.

Tom Slater is deputy editor at spiked. Follow him on Twitter: @Tom_Slater_

Picture by: Getty/Alex Wong

Watch spiked’s film, For Europe, Against the EU:

Remain: the left has lined up with the establishment | Europe | For Europe, Against the EU | spiked
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Just cancelled the exit
tsk, tsk, tsk
its not who votes that counts
its who counts the votes...

and the vote counting machines in the last test only counted the remain votes