- - Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mohammad’s teachings and the laws of Shariah both give followers commands to act against gays and Jews, and some Muslims are heeding these commands (i.e. Islamic State beheadings, terror bombings in Europe, jihad in Israel, the recent shootings in Orlando).

The terrorists did not just pull what they’re doing out of thin air; they are following the written words of Mohammad in the hadiths and Shariah law. It is not biased to begin reporting on these written words with the goal of using the exposure to tell young adults that this is wrong and not what any religion should be calling upon followers to do. Such education will prevent future terrorism.

Unless and until we begin exposing the source of these terrorists’ marching orders, we will continue to mourn the dead. If we are silent, we are complicit.

If the Christian Bible were saying these things and Christians were out killing gays, Jews and other “infidels,” we would not be hesitating to begin examining the texts that tell them to do this. Yet somehow we must be deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to Islam. Why? Telling others to kill is wrong, not to mention illegal. The imam at the Florida mosque where the Orlando gunman went to worship repeatedly spoke of killing gays. Such teachings are in effect hate crimes.

Let’s get honest and begin talking about this rather than wringing our hands and offering prayers after each act of terror. Let’s be loud about the source of these acts so we can begin to counter it for young adults.


Scottsdale, Ariz.

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