
Utah pro football team could be named Stormin' Mormons or Teamy McTeamFace

The [word] [McWordFace] trend that got even more popular with Boaty McBoatface has traveled into the world of sports.

A pro indoor football franchise that’s popped up in Utah is holding a vote for fans to name the team, which is fine because fans are basically making all the decisions for the franchise:

“If you have been following us at Project FANchise you know that we recently purchased an Indoor Football League team, and we are letting the fans run the whole thing. First our fans chose Salt Lake City as our hometown. Now its time for the next big decision and you are going to be the ones to make it happen.”

So who’s in the lead as of Thursday afternoon? Why it’s … Teamy McTeamFace! That’s followed by the Stormin’ Mormons:


That second one, according to Project FANchise CEO Sohrob Farudi, might break the franchise’s rules about using PC names only. Here’s what he told the Salt Lake Tribune:

Rules say the name has to be “PC and PG,” leading to as-yet-unresolved internal debate about the viability of “Stormin’ Mormons,” Farudi said.

“Clearly, we are not out to offend anybody,” he said. “I think, to me, that one is probably in the gray area.”

The 10 names with the most likes will then go to another fan vote and the winner will be announced June 3. I’m ready to throw money down on Teamy McTeamFace right now.

And when I said the whole thing is fan-sourced, that means other aspects of the team are, too: On Indiegogo, you can pay $65 to be a scout, $250 to be an assistant defensive coordinator and $750 to warm up the quarterback before a game.

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