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Chinese air conditioning giant Gree to open standalone business in the UK

Gree builds on UK success with Klima-Therm to launch standalone operation  next month

Chinese AC giant Gree is to build on the success of its partnership with chiller specialist Klima-Therm by opening its own standalone UK operation, which is to launch officially at the ACR show next month.

The manufacturer is a major producer of AC equipment, both under its own name and for other OEMs. Gree has nine manufacturing plants, seven in China plus facilities in Brazil and Pakistan. It produces some 55 million residential air conditioners and 4.5 million commercial systems a year, Another key element is that it manufactures all its key components, such as compressors and motors.

Gree has also acquired a reputation for innovation, spending upwards of half a billion dollars a year in R&D and launching what is claimed to be the world’s first PV-enabled centrifugal chiller, which won the Cooling Industry Award for International Achievement last year (pictured)

Klima-Therm became the distributor for Gree in March 2015, seeing its big chiller range as an ideal match for the range of chiller refurbishments currently seeking tenders in major banks and office buildings.

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