TR Press Release: Singapore White Book To Be Published Annually & Digitally


Sunday, January 17, 2016 – 20:22

SINGAPORE, January 7, 2016 – The development of Singapore civil procedure continues rapidly. This is made clear by the Chief Justice of Singapore, Sundaresh Menon, in the foreword to the 2016 Edition of the Singapore White Book. Singapore has emerged as a leading hub for legal work in the region with a trusted, well-regarded and efficient judicial system. The Rules of Court Working Party is pro-active with revisions each year – modernizing, innovating and simplifying. The Singapore International Commercial Court was introduced in 2015. There is new case law.

The Editor-in-Chief Mr Foo Chee Hock, Judicial Commissioner, Supreme Court of Singapore emphasizes, “One central aim is to make use of information technology to ensure that this resource in the hands of judges and practitioners is as current and relevant as possible. This entails having a hardcopy edition of the White Book which will be revised and updated by online supplements incorporated in the electronic copy, which is in the ProView software.”

An efficient legal system is one of the pillars of commerce and trusted legal publications are one of the building blocks. The Singapore White Book is the essential court book for legal practitioners. Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon notes it is an “authoritative text with currency amongst both lawyers and judges.”

The pace of developments and information technology have called for dynamism and the new edition is now an annual service available in both Print and the Thomson Reuters ProView™ (ebook) formats; and it is supported by two e-supplements in ProView. This is consistent with other leading jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. ProView allows users to have easy mobile access even without internet connectivity and to make notes, highlight or bookmark sections of text.

As Neerav Srivastava, Director of Legal Content Development, ASEAN & North Asia, Thomson Reuters observed, “There have been extensive revisions and the new edition marks a new way of working. The Singapore White Book is now a live service: a going concern.”

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