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Basques in Basque clubs all over the world celebrate today the International Day of Euskera


Poster of the festivities at the Union Vasca in Bahia Blanca
Poster of the festivities at the Union Vasca in Bahia Blanca


It’s here.  Today is the International Day of Euskera (ENE, Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna), that is paying a special tribute this year to euskaldunberris – or people whose first language wasn’t Basque but those who had to learn it, recognition of their important contribution.  We have made prior references of the celebration of ENE in the Basque Country and other countries in the Diaspora.  Today, we are including celebrations throughout Argentina. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina.   On the feast of Saint Francisco Xavier, today December 3, International Euskera Day is celebrated in the Basque Country as well as abroad.  In Argentina, just before summer vacation, the ENE festivities also coincide often with the end of the year activities.  Following we are providing readers of with a large list of activities that will be taking place starting today and continuing in the days to come.  If your Basque club event isn’t listed here, send us an email so that we can include you on the agenda.

Euskaldunak Denak Bat, Arrecifes

-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: Today beginning at 19:30, the Euskaldunkak Denak Bat Basque club in Arrecifes will celebrate the day with games, songs and music. Afterwards, anyone available is invited to stay for pizza and empanadas.

Unión Vasca, Bahía Blanca

--THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: 20hs, event begins; 20:10hs, presentation of: Argentinako ezizenak eta esaerak by students; 20:20hs games and prizes; 20:40hs, songs and dancing; 21hs, videos; 21:30hs, presentation of diplomas 2015; 21:40hs, songs and dances. There will also be pintxos and beer.

Book and Language Museum, Buenos Aires

--THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: From 18:00- 20hs: Guided tour of the exhibit:  “In the Footsteps of Euskera.  The Basque Language and its Present in Argentina.” With the Basque Government delegate Sara Pagola. Roundtable "Don’t Cry for me, Argentina, I will speak your language as well as mine." Experiences in immigration and language conservation by directors of language program: Greek (Giorgios Diakakis), Welsh, (Luciana Cordo) and Basque (José Fco. Zinkunegi). Moderator: Pablo Ubierna. Museum auditorium: Avda. Las Heras 2555. 

Euskaltzaleak, Buenos Aires

-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11: Beginning at 20:30hs Euskera celebration at the Casal de Catalunya, Chacabuco 863. During the evening there will be a concert by the club’s choir, a display of activities by the Basque students – videos, songs and games – and a presentation of the workshops on pander and dancing.  RSVP by emailing:

Eusko Kultur Etxea-Eusketxe, Buenos Aires

-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13: Beginning at noon: Euskera Day Festivities at the Eusko Kultur Etxea-Eusketxe. There will be a presentation followed by lunch and tasting of various pintxos and crema Catalan, dancing, games and songs.  Admission is $180.  More information by calling +54 11 4381 4611 or via email:

Asociación Gerora, Córdoba

-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: As part of the 6th Euskera Week in Cordoba, and in celebration of the 25 years of Argentinan Euskaraz, the Gerora Basque Culture Association will present certificates to Basque students at the College of Languages at the UNC, Vélez Sarsfield 186, Auditorio B, 18hs. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4: Meeting of Minority Languages.  Patio of the Provincial Legislature, 18:00.  To end the week, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, Zirt Zart! Basque dancing in the streets.  Historic Cabildo.  11:30.

Gure Txokoa, Córdoba

-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, Euskera Day celebration and end of year dinner at the Gure Txokoa in Cordoba with workshops on Basque and dancing as well as  the presentation of the new group of adults. Polish community dance group is also invited.

Eusko Etxea, Corpus Christi

-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: Toast to Euskera Day at the center.  Event begins at 18:00.  In case of rain the event will take place at the same time on Saturday the 5th.

Toki Eder, José C. Paz

-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: Basque students at the Toki Eder Basque club, accompanied by their teachers, will attend a roundtable “Don’t Cry for me, Argentina, I will speak your language as well as mine” that will take place at the Book and Language Museum.

Euzko Etxea and Basque Cultura and Language Lecturer in La Plata

-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: activities will gather students from the Lectureship and the Basque club at the Basque clubhouse. The program will begin at 18:00 with the screening of Loreak, by Carlos Gabilondo. Afterwards diplomas will be presented and finally there will be theater, bingo in Basuq and a BBQ to regale students and professors alike.

Denak Bat, Mar del Plata

-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: at 18:30hs, tribute, floral offering and remarks about the Euskaldunberri campaign in front of the Tree of Gernika in the Plaza San Martín. FRIDAY 4, 18hs, exhibit of books on Basque themes and book fair at the club’s library. 19hs, Basque film. THURSDAY 10, 20hs, Euskera Day Paleta tournament at the Cancha “Teyu Cuaré”, Centro Denak Bat. FRIDAY 11, 21hs, Celebration of Euskera Day and the end of the year with a pintxos tasting.  Presentation of the magazine “Euskara Denontzat”. Visit from the Olentzero at the events hall at the Denak Bat clubhouse.

Denak Bat, Mendoza

-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12: beginning at 20hs. Euskera Day celebration and end of year party at the Denak Bat clubhouse, Barcala 643. There will be several groups of Basque studies as well as dancing by the new txikis group. Dinner will be provided afterwards.  Admission $120 (for Basque students) and $150 (general admission). RSVP by December 9 by calling 422 6779 or 15 468 3881

Euzko Etxea, Necochea

-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4: 21hs, Pintxo Pote to celebrate Euskera Day. The event will be held at the “Betikoak” at the clubhouse where a rich variety of pintxos and sandwiches will be available for purchase.

Gure Ametza, Río Cuarto

-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4: 22hs, Basque taberna to mark the International Day of Euskera.

Zazpirak Bat, Rosario

-THURSDAY, December 3: 19hs, screening of documentary Bertsolari at the clubhouse (Entre Ríos 261), with the participation of students from the University and the club.

Euzko Etxea, Villa María

-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3: 20:30hs, As part of the 59th Basque Cultural Week, games, songs, and karaoke along with members of the club to promote learning the Basque language.

Askatasunaren Bidea, San Miguel

-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5: 19hs, celebration of ENE with screening of the documentary "Bidaia Intimoak" (Intimate trips) by Jon Maia, at the Municipal Library Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, (Sarmiento 1503). Followed by end of year dinner at the “El Chalet Restaurant, España 786. RSVP is appreciated:

Euskal Etxea, San Nicolás

-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5: at 19hs, dancing by the Ekin Dantzari Taldea and balloon release in the Plaza San Martín. 19:30hs, presentation by the Ekin Dantzari Taldea, end of year presentation by Basque students, recital by the Errekatarrak choir, painting exhibit by the Taller Aniztasuna and Basque food tasting prepared by the cooks.  Admisión $50

Gure Etxea, Tandil

-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6: To celebrate the International Day of Euskera, the club will show the film nominated for the 2016 Oscars Loreak. Event will begin at 19:00 at the clubhouse

Hiru Erreka, Tres Arroyos

-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4: to celebrate ENE, the club has invited Carlos Ibarrola to give a talk. Member of the Center for Basque Cultural and Nationalism Studies Arturo Campion, will talk about “Witches and Witchcraft.” To end the year, Hiru Erreka invites members to dinner on December 11.

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