This is with reference to ‘It all adds up to make perfect sense’ by Veena Venugopal (November 12). The present system of entrance exams focuses more on quantitative aptitude and less on knowledge in current business environment, economics, finance and analytical skills. Intelligence is the ability to solve a difficult problem; many a times it cannot be solved by quantitative analysis and application of a few mathematical formulas or linear analysis of the problem. Business schools globally focus on experience. LSE or HBS give importance to work experience. A review of the admission procedures may help more students from non-engineering streams get admission to business schools.

Mathew Abraham


These days every branch of business management is engulfed by quantitative techniques as they lead to more systematic problem-solving. Thus, market research as also analysis of customer complaints yield better results when subjected to mathematical rigour. HR professionals cannot impact top management unless they establish how they contribute to business success by applying RoI, HR accounting and other statistical techniques.

The solution is to provide girls an even playing field with boys.

YG Chouksey


No fair airfare

The proposed policy to cover smaller States by air and offer so-called low fares is welcome but the policy of almost all airlines not to charge fixed fares is against the public interest. It devolves on the government to regulate fares and insist on fixed fares. All private airlines must get their fares approved. The charges for food, water, airport usage and taxes must be included in the fare structure. To earn more profits, potentially profitable destinations must be surveyed, mainly towns without air connectivity or very few flights.

Mahesh Kapasi

New Delhi

Messing with the system

This refers to ‘Reviewing reservations’ by A Srinivas (From the Viewsroom, November 12). The writer’s observation that quotas helped the southern States to surge ahead of the northern ones needs to be qualified, especially when the situation in States such as Kerala is considered. Seats in professional colleges are being cornered by one particular community because of this quota system, to the detriment of many in other ‘forward’ communities who are meritorious yet economically vulnerable. This is the reason why many students from the so-called forward communities migrate to neighbouring States seeking other venues of education.

KP Prabhakaran Nair


Time stands still in RBI

The entire staff of India’s central bank are planning to go on mass CL next Thursday (November 19, 2015), focusing exactly on the same issues over which the RBI officers had decided to go on mass CL twenty years back (‘RBI officers plan mass CL’, BusinessLine Twenty Years Ago, November 12). The RBI annual report 2014-15 carries the following observations made by Raghuram Rajan: “A key factor in RBI’s success has been a satisfied staff. In the past, RBI used to have no problem attracting junior officers, losing only an occasional officer who was successful in the IAS exam. Today, we lose more than we should be comfortable with. This is why a revamp of the professional challenges we offer our staff is very much needed, and we hope the changes outlined earlier will help us become a more attractive employer. In this regard, our review of compensation, as well as the long-pending improvement in pensions for our retirees also assume importance.”

It is intriguing that issues relating to HR management are kept on the backburner and allowed to simmer and later flare up.

MG Warrier



In the interview headlined ‘Real estate is one of the safest businesses under the sun’ (November 12), the founder of Sobha LLC, PNC Menon, said the company was looking at global development to the tune of $5 billion and not $50 billion as reported. The error is regretted.

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