Modern Sex Education Book For Kids Includes Chapters On IVF, Sperm Donation And Caesareans

Sex Education Book Teaches Kids That Not All Babies Are Naturally Conceived

Sex education books usually involve the stereotypical 'mummy and daddy make a baby' type scenario.

But a new book is educating children on the different ways adults can conceive.

The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made depicts accurate illustrations of IVF, sperm and egg donation, as well as addressing premature births and caesareans.

Australian author Fiona Katauskas, 45, said she wanted to make the book "funny but factual", aiming it at children aged between five and ten.

Katauskas told Daily Mail Australia: "I wanted to be a bit more scientific and clearer in my approach, and to show the mechanics of everything. Since 1973 assisted reproduction has become increasingly common and is also part of the story of how the egg meets the sperm... even though they meet in a different way,"

She said she wanted children to be able to see "their own" story in the book, whether they were born early or had same-sex parents.

Although the author admitted a lot of scientific and biological research went into the book, she wanted to keep it light and mildly comical to engage children.

Katauskas admitted the book was less about sex and more about how the egg and the sperm meet in different ways.

We've picked some of the best illustrations that show Katauskas' modern approach to sex education.

Egg donation:

Sperm donation:



Premature birth:

Near the end of the book, Katauskas didn't shy away from illustrating labour and what happens once the baby is born.

The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made, published by ABC Books, will be released on August 1st and is available online now.

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