Zzzz eluding you? Follow these tips and sleep like a baby!

Alternative medicine expert Dr Issac Mathai gives tips on how to have undisturbed sleep at night.

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Sound sleep

Not getting the required amount (7 to 8 hours daily) and quality of sleep you need, can take a toll on your energy, mood, health and the ability to function effectively through the day. Insomnia can be temporary or chronic. If you're experiencing chronic insomnia, consult a doctor to figure out the root cause. Otherwise, try the following tricks to sleep better every night.


1. Avoid caffeinated beverages after 4 pm. Also try to limit your alcohol intake.

2. Avoid naps during the day. If you must, limit it to 30 minutes before 3 pm.

3. Exercise daily, it helps you sleep better.

4. Don't go to bed on a full stomach. Eat your dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime; you could sip on herbal tea or warm milk later.

5. Wind down to prepare your body for sleep: dim the lights, turn off the TV and computer. Don't read on screen, watch or engage in anything that stimulates the mind, such as video games or office work. Instead, opt for calming activities like meditation and pranayama (Bhramari and Anulom Vilom are especially helpful).

6. Soak your feet in hot water about 20 minutes before bedtime.

7. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, calm and dark. Noise and light can interfere with sleep.

8. Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to support your biological clock. Remember, you get the best sleep between 10 pm and 6 am.

9. Ayurvedic herbs such as sankhapushpi, bhringaraj and brahmi, and homeopathic remedies like Nux Vom, Coffea Cruda and Passiflora can help tackle insomnia. Consult an expert before you take them.

DR ISSAC MATHAI, MD, SOUKYA & Prevention's alternative medicine expert.