
Fasting an obligation, best act of obedience and worship

Fasting is not just a state remaining hungry and thirsty instead its nature and effect can only be discovered by experience

More than the starving or missing two meals of a day, the fasting during the month of Ramzan is an obligation, great worship and the best act of obedience. The reward of every good deed, as mentioned in Quran, is multiplied from ten to seven hundred times during fasting as it is believed that Allah multiplies them as per His will.

The month has to be considered as an opportunity and one should perform as many acts of worship as we can and do the deed what Allah wants and likes. On this blessed occasion, one should strictly avoid sins and increase righteous deeds, acts of worships and all kinds of charities. Fasting is not just a state remaining hungry and thirsty instead its nature and effect can only be discovered by experience.

Less food is consumed and the greater is the purification of the soul and the development of power of inner vision. One has to be engrossed in the remembrance of God so as to attain severance from worldly desires. At the same time, it has been scientifically documented and demonstrated that one of the most effective factors of improving human health and longevity is the reduction of intake and consumption.

But the notion of celebrating and turning fast equal to a feast is not what the concept of fasting during the month demands. Doctors even suggest that breaking a fast with whole lot of oily and junk food will adversely affect the body leading to serious health ailments.

Fasting during the season allows the digestive system, the major engine of the body to rest from the normal demands of processing and breaking down food, freeing up system resources to cleanse and purify the body for accumulated toxins. More than preparing ourselves for the fasting stocking wide variety of ingredients to host the feast after breaking the fasting, one should make the body prepare well for fasting to its true spirit

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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