Ecore has received an American Sports Builder’s Association (ASBA) Supplier Certificate of Distinction.

This program is designed to recognize supplier division member companies that contribute to and share in the betterment of ASBA, while meeting and/or exceeding participation goals and requirements, according to the association.

“Receiving the ASBA Supplier Certificate of Distinction demonstrates Ecore’s, and more specifically Ecore Athletic’s, commitment and dedication to the tennis, track and field industry,” said Arthur Dodge III, president and CEO of Ecore International.

Ecore Athletic, a business unit of Ecore, features eight families of products that offer surfaces for a variety of sports and fitness flooring applications.

According to the association, suppliers of distinction demonstrate a superior understanding of the standards of design, construction, and maintenance in tennis courts, running tracks, natural and synthetic turf fields, indoor facilities, and indoor and outdoor synthetic turf surfaces. 

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