Even the most die-hard ice cream lovers might be put off by this mammoth sundae.

Because this super-sized snack contains a whopping 11,000 calories - with over 30 scoops of ice cream and 17 different toppings.

YouTube sensation Matt Stonie challenged himself not only to create the giant sweet-treat - but to eat the whole thing in one sitting.

Massive Ice Cream Sundae Challenge
Mammoth: More than 30 scoops of ice cream go into the giant sundae

Matt started by putting chocolate, vanilla and mint choc-chip ice cream into a bowl before adding his huge selection of toppings.

And it seemed there was nothing he hadn't thought of - from chocolate biscuits to brownies, gummy bears to marshmallows, nuts and a banana, the bowl was almost bursting with the sugary snacks.

But Matt still wasn't finished.

Massive Ice Cream Sundae Challenge
Challenge: Matt managed to eat the giant sundae in just 15 minutes

He then added hot fudge and caramel sauce, whipped cream, chocolate tuiles and a whole pack of M&Ms to finish it off.

Amazingly, Matt then proceeded to eat the mammoth sundae in just 15 minutes.

The footage was uploaded to YouTube on May 20 where it has already clocked up almost 162,000 views.

To watch the full video, visit Matt's YouTube page .