Peak works with neuroscience experts to make your brain sweat

Peak's Advanced Training
Peak's Advanced Training

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What if you could improve the performance of the most erotic muscle in your body without having to go on a diet, let alone lift your butt out of your chair? No, I’m not talking about selling you some rare guava plant only found in the rain forest to improve your libido. I’m talking about games that improve your brain (OK, it’s technically not a muscle, but still).

Peak, the developer of a brain improvement app of the same name for Android and iOS (base app is free, pro subscription $5 a month or $35 a year), is collaborating with other experts in the field of cognitive enhancement to provide a pack of hardcore mental regiments called Advanced Training.

Designers of Peak’s new premium mental exercises include neuroscience specialist at the University of Cambridge, professor Barbara J. Sahakian, “Our state-of-the-art neuroscience has combined with the innovative approach at Peak to bring the games industry to a new level and promote the benefits of cognitive enhancement.”

Another collaborator is C8 Sciences, a mental-training program provider founded by Bruce E. Wexler, professor of psychiatry and research scientist at Yale School of Medicine; and Jinxia Dong, a professor and director of the Research Center for Sports Studies and Society at Peking University. C8 Sciences approaches cognitive improvement with both video game design and physical activity routines, with a focus on children and sufferers of ADHD.

This partnership leverages Peak’s strengths in design, development and distribution, and C8 Sciences’ neuroscience-based program functionalities, in a shared commitment to make games that can profoundly improve cognitive function,” Wexler said.

This effort also has involvement from IntelliGym, which specializes in brain training geared toward professional athletes, security specialists, and fighter pilots. BrainWays is also mentioned as a collaborator, whose training is geared more towards management and entrepreneurial thinkers.