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We Need To Get This Iranian Nuclear Deal Done

This article is more than 9 years old.

By the sounds of the rhetoric going back and forth in the media, you’d think the Iranian Nuclear Deal we’re trying to put in place is a horrible loss for the United States, and that we’re being taken for a ride by the wily Ayatollahs.

Or that previous deals with Iran hadn’t ever worked.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Last year, the five members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States, Great Britain, France, China and Russia, plus Germany, called the P5+1 Group, reached an interim deal with Iran to stop their nuclear weapons program while a larger deal could be brokered. Four key provisions were obtained in this deal and all four have occurred:

• no enrichment of U above 5% U-235, and all highly-enriched materials, some as high as 20% U-235, must be blended down to less than 5% or altered to a non-usable form.

• no additional centrifuges to be installed or produced, and three-fourths of the centrifuges at Fordow and half of the centrifuges at Natanz made inoperable,

• stop all work on the heavy-water reactor at Arak, provide design details on the reactor (which could be used to produce Pu for the other type of atomic weapon) and do not develop the reprocessing facilities needed to separate the Pu from the fuel,

• full access by IAEA inspectors to all nuclear facilities, including daily visitation to Natanz and Fordow, and camera surveillance of key sites.

So now Iran has no highly enriched uranium that can be made into a weapon, work on Arak has ceased, no more centrifuges have been built, and nuclear inspectors have good access to all facilities (Bloomberg).

What more could anyone want?

Ahh… the complete destruction of their nuclear program, even the civilian power part? Or maybe regime change? Or maybe the destruction of the whole country? Or their total conversion to Christianity?

Come on, what is this nonsense? I understand the best nuclear physicists elected to Congress have their own ideas, but this deal is an excellent path towards preventing Iran from getting the bomb.

Of course, the deal we worked out under President Bush was a lot better, but Congress sabotaged that one for the same pie-in-the-sky desire to crush Iran that is undermining this one.

The heart of any acceptable deal is the so-called “break-out time” or “latency period”. This is the time it would take for a country to make a nuclear weapon after the time it seriously decides to. Iran has never seriously decided to make an actual weapon. Their latency period has been a year or less for a decade.

They’ve always wanted the capability to make weapons if conditions warranted, like any country who’s surrounded by other states that already have nuclear weapons, in Iran’s case, Israel, Pakistan and Russia.

Presently, their latency period is a few months, pretty short, since they have over 10,000 specialize centrifuges able to enrich U to the 90% or so of U-235 needed to make a reliable weapon.

The purpose of any agreement is to make sure this latency period remains at least a year. It’s hard to make this time period much longer than a year without actually bombing them and killing all their nuclear scientists.

But having divested themselves of highly enriched U is a huge step backwards for Iran with respect to the bomb, significantly increasing this latency period. Reducing the number of operating centrifuges is another huge step backwards. As is granting unfettered inspection.

In fact, the best indication that they are making a bomb will come when they stop allowing inspections. There is no way to fool our inspectors, which is why everyone hiding something just stops them from entering.

This is a “don’t trust, just verify” approach.

There are certainly key provisions that need to be worked out, like when to lift economic sanctions (Newsweek), and Iran’s ballistic missile program, but these are normal details in any negotiation.

In fact, there are actually some positive outcomes for the people of America if this deal goes through, including the lowering effect it would have on gasoline prices (Chris Helman).

So despite Bibi’s recurring claims of doom and attempts to manipulate our Congress, the deal being worked out is just what we all hoped for, the structure of which we’ve been proposing for years. It’s the first step to bringing Iran into the world’s nuclear community as a partner instead of an adversary, making Iran a compliant signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

It would also diffuse a nuclear weapons race in the Middle East at a time when the region seems to be disintegrating into sectarian chaos.

While this may make some of its neighbors nervous, there is no real alternative that does not involve lots of destruction and death. Isolation, or invasion, are the worst strategies for bringing a country into the civil world’s fold. Just look at North Korea and Iraq.

The other political issue in this deal is the authority to deal itself. America’s Republican Senators' open letter to Iran, and their insistence that Congress has to bless any deal, raises the question about who can put such a deal in place.

Probably the best person to answer that question is Sharon Squassoni, Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and Director of their Proliferation Prevention Program. She recently engaged in a Q&A about this very topic (CSIS):

Q: Does a nuclear agreement require a treaty?

A: No. The agreement under discussion by the P5+1 with Iran is fundamentally to provide assurances that Iran's nuclear program has purely civilian, peaceful uses. This is not an arms control treaty because it will not address weapons. While there is evidence to suggest that Iran engaged in nuclear weaponization activities, there is no evidence that Iran now has nuclear weapons. As a non-nuclear-weapon state, party to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), Iran is obligated not to manufacture, acquire, or otherwise obtain nuclear weapons. The agreement under discussion will impose requirements on Iran in addition to those it has as an NPT party. [Iran hopes the deal will be endorsed by a Security Council resolution and not involve the U.S. Congress since the five members of the United Nations Security Council are involved.]

Q: What kinds of limitations are likely to be included in the agreement?

A: Briefly, Iran's nuclear program spans almost the entire nuclear fuel cycle except for reprocessing (separation of irradiated nuclear fuel) and waste disposal. The most sensitive elements of this are the enrichment facilities (Natanz, Fordow), which are supported by research and development and manufacturing sites, and the research reactor under construction at Arak. The enrichment facilities and the Arak reactor are sensitive because of their ability to produce fissile material that could be used either for peaceful purposes or for a nuclear weapon. Limitations under discussion include how many centrifuges Iran will be allowed to run and how advanced they might be. One of the bigger issues is how long the agreement will keep restrictions in place on Iran's nuclear program.

There is no question that Iran wants to keep their civilian nuclear energy program, and according to international law, they can. Such a program can include enrichment and production, as long as it falls under the appropriate international controls and is not producing weapons.

No one discusses, or cares, that Iran has a working civilian nuclear power plant at Bushehr, because it can't be used to make weapons. We've even encouraged that - it's the direction we want them to go in.

So Iran wants this deal. It’s a way out of a very tricky and dangerous situation. Countries having the bomb or nuclear power in some form, never seem to get attacked, but those that give up their nuclear programs completely tend to end badly. Just ask Iraq, Libya and the Ukraine. To avoid this fate, Iran has to back away from nuclear weapons while retaining a nuclear power program.

Together with the P5+1 negotiators, the United States can, and should, make this happen.

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