Christina Ricci Returning to Role of Lizzie Borden


RicciChristina Ricci, who played Lizzie Borden in the Lifetime movie in 2014, is returning to the role for a miniseries on the same network. The actress took on the role of the woman accused of killing her father and stepmother in the made for TV movie, Lizzie Borden Took an Ax. In the miniseries, Ricci will once more portray Lizzie, but this time it is after the trial and subsequent acquittal.

The Lizzie Borden Chronicles picks up the story about four months after the trial has ended. It will chronicle the lives of Lizzie and her older sister Emma, played by Clea DuVall, as they move on from the tragedy and try to live their lives. While the story focuses on Lizzie herself, it is also about the relationship between the two sisters as they try to deal with the murder of their parents, and the possibility that Lizzie was the killer. Although the story is based on the real life of Borden, the Chronicles will be a mix of both fact and fiction.

Ricci spoke about her role as Lizzie Borden and the show itself, saying that the miniseries has a dark and twisted edge to it. She also felt that the roles that she and DuVall play, are one’s that might typically be written for male characters, rather than for females. For Ricci, much of her enjoyment in the role comes from getting the chance to work with DuVall again and also explore the relationship between the two sisters.

DuVall also spoke about her role as Emma in the new series. She said that in order to be Lizzie’s big sister, it was imperative that she believe the verdict in order to move on. Although the toll for Emma was extremely high, it was important that she not lose her sister, as she had already lost her parents.

In addition to Ricci and DuVall’s characters, there are a number of new additions to the series. Cole Hauser joins the cast as Charlie Siringo, a Pinkerton detective, who is set on investigating Lizzie and her history. Siringo was a Chicago detective, who spent his career chasing down outlaws. After he retired, the detective wrote books detailing his work. Hauser discussed his turn as Siringo, describing the experience as fun and an honor.

Within the series there are also a number of characters such as real life cousins and associates. Actual people who were a part of the sisters lives, even for a short period of time.

The Lizzie Borden Chronicles is being described as a dark horror show, one that is good-natured but with a sort of modern twist. Ricci herself has said that there are some macabre scenes filled with irony and blood shed. At the same time, she says because the writing is well done, it allows the story to remain grounded in reality.

Lizzie Borden Took an Ax is available for viewing on Netflix, and can also be found on Amazon for purchase. Ricci’s return to the role of Lizzie Borden on Lifetime, premiers on Sunday, April 5, 2015.

By Kimberley Spinney


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Channel Guide Magazine

Photo by David Shankbone – Flickr License


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