Mar 20, 2015, 11:33 IST


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Yoga mudra expert Deepa Vaswani says that mudras have been a part of yoga for a long time however, these have not been practiced on a large scale. “ All those who have propagated it have done so as an exercise that can be done on the move. For example while one is walking or stuck in traffic.However, it but must not involve talk and discussion.Concentration is the key to mudra yog. The daily practice of four simple mudras can help keep your food habits in check as well as melt the fat that has already deposited itself in your body . If you're doing mudra yoga at home, it is best to sit on a yoga mat. Place both feet behind each other rather than crossing each other. If you're sitting on a chair, sit straight and cross the feet resting on the floor. The purpose is to block the positive energy we are going to create within ourselves. Try not to have long nails or doing these mudras may be difficult. Initially it may be difficult to do the mudra with both hands. It can be done with one hand and the other hand can be used to help and support the one doing the mudras. A daily prac tice of these mudras will help metabolism and keep weight under control. They will initially help reduce excess weight and then regulate it to stay steady ,“ she says.
A simple prayer mudra, which means paying respect to one's own soul.
Shut your eyes and chant Om seven times. This increases concentrat i o n , awareness and alertness.
Instruct your mind to remind you whenever you are eating never to overeat. This mudra creates awareness about your struggle to control your diet. Put simply, it is a mudra for alertness to eat in limitation.
Salutation to the sun God. Here you use the ring finger, which is folded and your thumb, which represents fire in the mudras.
Press the thumb on the folded ring ringer. The thumb must be placed on the second fold of the finger. Keep slight pressure.
Now connect the breath to the pelvic and navel chakras since this helps quicken the digestion process. Hold the position for at least three minutes.
Done daily , this mudra will help burn deposited fat in the body and aid slimming while ensuring that your body does not accumulatemore fat.
Vayu Means air. Gases in the stomach causes bloating. This mudra helps release gas from the body thus keeping the digestive system in order.
Fold the index finger and place your thumb on top, pressing the index finger down.
The thumb must be placed on the second fold of the finger. This is important as it is an important point in the finger for controlling gas.
Close eyes and connect the breath to the pelvic and navel chakra. Breathe slowly in these areas and exhale slowly as though releasing gas. Do this mudra for about two minutes.
Varun means water. The human body is made up of 72% of water.When there is an imbalance in this percentage, the body finds it difficult to digest food in the right proportions. Drink water only when thirsty . Be conscious about your water consumption.However, it is not necessary to carry a bottle of water around and pump water into the system.This mudra practice will help create this awareness and keep metabolism in order.
The little finger represents water and the thumb the element of fire. Connect these two fingers at the tip and take your mind to the navel chakra. Start breathing slowly.
Take a breath and slowly connect your mind to the navel and exhale. This mudra helps people who have a water retention tendency , which makes them look bloated. Do this mudra for three minutes.


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