Mar 20, 2015, 11:31 IST

Yoga for effective weightloss

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Trying to lose weight but bored of going to the gym everyday? Why not give Yoga a shot? Several people think that losing weight can only be done in the gym. Health experts, however, say that yoga can be an effective option as well.
Yoga expert and weight management expert Dr Amrapali Patil says that according to Hatha Yoga P r a d i p i k a , Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita, there are some effective yogic postures, yogic breathing exercises, pranayam, yogic kriyas and cleansing techniques that help burn fat and lose weight apart from balancing the mind and body. “Apart from these asanas, it is also necessary to follow a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle to have a successful weight loss. It is also important to consult your physician or an expert before you embark on any yoga activity,“ she says. Here are some asanas...
Kauva Chalasana (Crow Walking)
What to do: Stand with your feet apart on the floor.
Squat gradually , maintaining the same distance between your feet and place your buttocks above your heels.
Place your palms on your knees and take small steps in the squatting position.
Walk on your toes or feet. As you step forward, bring the opposite knee to the floor.
Do from five to 50 sets as per your capacity. Increase gradually and rest after a set.Benefits: This is a preparatory asana for the lower limbs before embarking on to other asanas.It is important to prepare the limbs so that to prevent any trauma to the body . It makes the limbs nimble, tones leg muscles and reduces hip and thigh fat. It also helps remove the excess flab on the waist.
Keep in mind: Those with lower limb joint disor ders should avoid this asana.
Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana (Dynamic Spinal Twist)
What to do: Sit on the floor with outstretched legs and separate them as per your comfort level.
Stretch your arms sideways and bring them to the level of your shoulders.
Twist to the left and bring your right hand cs: Thinkstock towards your left toe.
Stretch the left hand behind the back as you twist while bringing the right hand down.
Simultaneously turn the head to the left and gaze at the outstretched hand.
Return both arms sideways stretched at the shoulder level and repeat with the other hand.
Repeat three to 10 times and start slowly .Increase the speed based on your comfort level. Do so gradually .Benefits: Helps in toning the arms and torso. It is also said to reduce flab around the belly , waist, shoulders, back and inner thighs.Keep in mind: Those with back problems such as slipped disc, lumbago, spondylosis etc should avoid this asana.
Tiryaka Tadasana (Swaying Palm Tree Pose)
What to do: Stand on the floor with your feet about shoulder width apart and keep arms on the side.
Interlock fingers of both hands and turn palms outward.
Raise arms over your head and stretch.
Bend towards the right from the waist and avoid swaying backward or frontward.
Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the upright position.
Repeat this on the other side and do about three to 10 rounds.Benefits: Tones the muscles of the trunk. Reduces fat on the tummy and waist.Keep in mind: People with back and shoulder problems should avoid this or do it under the supervision of an expert.
Tandavasana (Lord Shiva's Dance)
What to do: Stand straight with your feet slightly apart.
Bend and raise the left knee so that your thigh is horizontal.
At the same time, the left foot should point away from the body and to the right of the leg.
Bend your knee slightly and place the left arm across the body , parallel to the r i g h t thigh. The palm should be facing down.
Bend the right elbow so that your forearm is vertical and the palm is facing forward. The right elbow should be behind the left wrist.
Hold the position for as long as possible.
Repeat on the other side and repeat it about five times on each side.Benefits: This asana helps tone the legs and arms and reduces fat in these areas. When done as a part of the Hatha Yoga posture, it balances the nervous energy in the body and has its own spiritual benefits.Keep in mind: Those with sciatica should avoid this asana.
Vyaghrasana (Tiger Pose)
What to do: Kneel down on the floor and bend forward so that your palms are resting on floor.Your back should be parallel to the floor.
Look forward and relax the body .
Arch the back upwards and straighten the right leg. Stretch it up and backwards.
Bend the right knee, look up and bring your toes towards the back and head. Maintain this pose for a few seconds.
Now, straighten your right leg, bend the knee and swing the leg under your hips.
Arch the back upwards and bend your head down.
Bring the knee towards your nose.
Your thigh should press against the chest and the right foot shouldn't touch the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds. Next, move the foot straight back and again stretch the leg.
Bend the knee and continue with the slow swinging. Relax and then repeat with the other leg.Benefits: This asana tones the muscles of the back, hips and legs. It stretches the abdominal muscles and helps lose weight from the hips, thighs, legs and abdomen. This asana is also good for those with sciatica. Consult your physician before doing this asana.Keep in mind: Not to be performed by those who have vertigo, reflux oesophagitis and acid regurgitation. Those with slipped disc should be particularly careful.
Padotthanasana (Raised Leg Pose)
What to do: With your back on the floor, lie down on the floor or the yoga mat. Place both hands on either side of the body with palms facing downwards.
Inhale and raise the right leg upwards without bending the knee. Position the right leg at 90 degrees to the floor. If you are not able to bring the leg at 90 degrees initially, do so gradually and progressively increase the height during each round.
The other leg should be on floor in an outstretched position. Hold this position for about five seconds.
Exhale and release the leg and bring it down to the floor without bending at the knee. Repeat with the other leg and do about five to 10 rounds.Benefits: This asana tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It helps reduce the fat on the belly , waist and legs.Keep in mind: Those with high blood pressure and serious back problems such as slipped disc, sciatica etc should not do this asana.


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