19.03.2015 Feature Article

Caring For All Believers—Part XVI

Caring For All Believers—Part XVI
19.03.2015 LISTEN

Our lives, or the totality of every Christians' life be it in the Church, or in the world is depending on God in Christ. In Christ who strengthens us we can do all things. With Christ there should be no two characters, for the church and another for the world.Our living in Christ is one and for all places, and for all times.

We shall not be cold or between cold and hot at the same time, meaning never shall we live by ourselves, beside in Christ, who is now living His life in us.The Church is where the Holy Spirit of Christ develops and build us into God's children, with our full cooperation of course. And indeed of course again; the elders and everyone of us is part of the cooperation.

Lets us without much ado plunge ourselves into the main sharing.

However though, God only uses such break ups for the spreading of Himself to cover the whole world for His gospel. It is said the gospel shall be preached with its associated spiritual development and the spreading of God Himself into the membership. God becomes the content of the regenerated deflated membership to become the spread of God into a corporate body called to Christ; ultimately it consummates to the New Jerusalem.

These are no flock of anyone,or denomination, but the Lord's, it is only the Lord who calls the short. Everyone of us is in the attendance or service to the Most High God through His Son Jesus Christ; the firstborn Son of God, who is giving birth to many sons, who the Father is recreating.

One will remember the persecution of the church in Jerusalem,was the result which heralded the spread of the gospel into western Europe and the rest of the world. This happened immediately after Christ have returned in body and soul to the third heavens.Yet at the same time however, returned to us as the “Comforter” living permanently in us as our strength. This “Comforter” bears witness to us regarding the activities of God the Father, and God the Son, but also as the Spirit of Christ. WHO also fills us up with God as our content. I could go on, and on with this preaching.

God's judgement on His people, continuing from where I left off, and seen in chapters 2-24, was based on His righteousness, holiness, and glory as I have earlier eluded somewhere in my sharing. Here we see God's glory is versus idols ( 8:2-4,10; 9:3), God's holiness is versus dross (22:17-22), and righteousness is versus Israel's injustice and oppression (22:29).

Anything that does not match God's glory, holiness, and righteousness will provoke God's judgement. As we have seen in my sharing in the book of Ezekiel and the New Testament, God first judges His people', and then He judges the nations (Chaps.23-25; 1 Peter 4:17; Rev.2-3; 6-11; 15-19).This has to be seen in context of today that God will chastise the believers who disobeys Him first before the nations or the “heathen”. Rightly so because with the presence of God in us which is stronger than the sinful nature of man, overcoming the evil one, with the victory of Christ imbued in us, indeed we as the light of the world should first see God's attention. For after all charity begins at home.

By understanding the sharing which is not limited to leading members of the Body of Christ, every one born and freed by the blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has an obligation to both the brethren and God. We each has to have a cordial and personal relationship with one another and God simultaneously, thereby creating the conducive environment for our adherence to God and our spiritual growth.

Our dealing next is with “God recovering His People by Life ( Chapters 33:1-39:29), Like God's judgement on Israel the chosen people, the correction of the churches has to deal with “God recovering His People by Life.” For as the chosen generation we owe it to God to expressing Him with our life in Christ's life mainly due to His working in us and with our cooperation.

God always execute His judgement with a purpose. The purpose of God's judgement is to bring in the recovery. Through His judgement, which is based on His righteousness, holiness, and glory, God desires to recover His people according to His righteousness, holiness, and glory. But these are not done by a set of rules set up by ordinary human beings, effort fully.

Whereas God's judgement is by various means (5:4; 14:21), God's recovery is by life brethren. It is not like human education which only helps us acquire certain setts of knowledge without the recovered life even human morality and wisdom. It will forever be God's sole prerogative to fill us with His life as I have said here. However we serve and cooperate with the Supreme God; “The Triune God,”making ourselves available and become teachable, less opinionated of our own.

However, the visions regarding the Lord's recovery by life in chaps. 33-39, with the issue of God's holy building in chaps.40-48, should be applied to Israel in the restoration, the millennium, beginning with the Lord's second coming (Acts.3:20-21)

Although these visions should also be applied to the believers in Christ experience of the life in the New Testament age.

Hard , but had to go will continue on the coming Lord's day, if He so wills. Depart not from the counselling of the Mighty one for that is life incorruptible.

I do apologise for the a day's delay.
