This story is from March 11, 2015

Yoga asanas to strengthen lungs

One of the best things you can do for your lungs (besides keeping them smoke-free) is strike a pose.
Yoga asanas to strengthen lungs
One of the best things you can do for your lungs (besides keeping them smoke-free) is strike a pose.
Celebrity yoga expert Sunaina Rekhi says, "We can only breathe correctly and absorb the oxygen we need if our lungs are strong and in good working order. Not unless all the air-cells of the lungs take an active part in the breathing process can we be certain that they are in good health.
Pranayama and yogic postures are highly beneficial to the activity of these cells and the elasticity of the lungs."
Yogic breathing involves abdominal, thoracic and clavicular breathing. It is used to maximise inhalation and exhalation. Its purpose is to gain control of the breath, correct poor breathing habits and increase oxygen intake.
Standing asanas strengthen the muscles used to keep the back straight during meditation and increase oxygenation and lung capacity.
Trikonasana (triangle pose)
It allows for easier air passage to the lungs. It stimulates the nervous system and as you spiral the chest towards the sky, it helps to expand the chest cavity. The triangle posture is a classic yoga position that stretches and strengthens your spine, inner thigh, abdominal and side muscles. It also helps to open the pelvis by stretching the pelvic ligaments. It is a great posture to help create space and openness in the body.

Inhale and step to the right, right foot at 90 degress, left heel turned inward, heels 3 feet apart. Exhale, reach out over the foot and bend to the right and place the hands either on your shin, ankle or hold the big toe of right foot with first two fingers of the right hand and pull on it, creating counter tension and oppositional stretch. Turn head to look up towards the left thumb, opening chest towards the sky. Feel the rotation of the hips as the right hip moves under and the left hip rotates open.
Hold for five breaths. Inhale, come up slowly. Repeat on other side.
Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose)
Sitting asanas, for example, Gomukhasana (cow’s face pose) is excellent for inducing relaxation. It not only alleviates back pain, tiredness, tension and anxiety but also improves posture by increasing energy, awareness, and opening the chest area.

Sit in dhyana veerasana so that the right knee is directly above the left knee.
Stretch the left arm to the side and then fold it behind the back.
Stretch the right arm above the head, then fold it over the right shoulder.
The back of the left hand should lie in contact with the spine while the palm of the right hand rests against the spine. Try to clasp the fingers of both hands behind the back.
Bring the raised elbow behind the head so that the head presses against the inside of the raised arm. The spine should be erect and the head back. Repeat on the other side.
Naukasana (Boat Pose)
Backward bending asanas are postures which turn the body out to face the world. Because they expand the chest and encourage inhalation, they are associated with the attitude of embracing life. This asana stimulates the muscular, digestive, circulatory, nervous and hormonal systems, tones all the organs and removes lethargy. It is especially useful for eliminating nervous tension and bringing about deep relaxation.

Lie in a starting position. Breathe in deeply. Hold the breath and then raise the arms, shoulders, head and trunk off the ground.
Balance the body on the buttocks and keep the spine straight. The arms should be held in the same line as the toes. The hands should be open with the palms down. Look towards the toes.
Remain in the final position and hold the breath. Count to 5 mentally.
Return to the supine position and then breathe out.
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