Tomorrow Daily 135: Biodegradable robots working in your body, the Godzilla Hotel and more
Tomorrow Daily 135: Biodegradable robots working in your body, the Godzilla Hotel and more

Tomorrow Daily 135: Biodegradable robots working in your body, the Godzilla Hotel and more

On today's show, scientists are working on tiny little robots that work inside your body and then dissolve. A brand new themed hotel in Japan, so you know that you're gonna wanna see it. It'll be good, and a kinetic sculpture that can probably play violin better than I can. Unless you're a robot that plays the violin, in which case. Actually this story is probably about you. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings citizens of the Internet, welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk-show in the known universe. I'm your host Ashley Esqueda. Joining me, as always, Khail Anonymous. Hold that, when I open my eyes, you better be there. Okay, you're there. That's me! Yeah, are you- I'm not Australian, or Allison Roseanne or something. I'm not Mod, or Kim, or Allison, I'm just me. Just Ashley. We were about to get a homeless guy off the street. We were running out of guests. I assure you that at this point. I should not be gone any more. That is a planned absence, so unless there's like an emergency, I should not be gone. There you go. Taking my stitches out on Friday, so it's, hopefully we're good at this point. Okay. Alright. >They'll be out of the cone zone, they'll be a stitches free Friday. I'm very excited. The little one has decided the cone is now a weapon. He's weaponized the cone. Oh, yeah. >So he likes to swing it into the other dogs, and he runs into the backs of our legs. So it's like I have all these little cut marks on the backs of my legs. He. He got conned. Yeah, he's a brat. So but anyway [LAUGH] I cannot wait to tell you about this first story, and actually all of them are pretty good, so let's hit headlines. [MUSIC] Okay, so you're gonna have to stay with me a little on this one, 'kay? Put your science hat, put your lab coat on and let's be scientists. Okay. All right, so this is from John Hopkins University. So. There are these tiny biodegradable micro grippers that they have designed to go to specific places in your body, complete a task, and then dissolve, and that's what they look like. That's them right there. Smaller than a penny is what they were trying to show us there. Very tiny, yeah, they're showing for scale, it shows smaller then a penny. Okay so before you're watching this things and they're kinda, they look like flowers blossoming okay, and then like contracting, right. Or starfish. Or starfish, yeah. So before, they made these micro-grippers that were very similar to this but they were metallic and they used them in a live pig. To get bile duct samples. But the problem is is that and then they would like use the magnet to guide the micro [UNKNOWN] out of the pig's body, but the thing is is that there's no guarantee that they can get all of them. Like it's kind of difficult to get all of them, so they, they realized really the way forward was to make them biodegradable for years how they did that. This is insane. I can't believe that we're talking about this being like a thing that we're going to experience this in our lifetime. This is crazy. So, we've seen hydrogel on the show. Remember that tube of it's one of the lightest materials possibly. It's 90. 9.7 percent of error. That's crazy, yeah. Extremely, like it's extremely transparent. You can see through it. So they made these little micro, robot micro grippers out of hydro gel and a, a polymer, like, a stiff polymer. It had to have a little bit of shape. So they had to put a, like, stiff polymer on it to be able to contract and expand. Otherwise it would just be, like, a little floating aerogel. In your body, and they had to be able to attach some magnetic nanoparticles to that, that stiff polymer. Okay, so now that they have this magnetic stiff polymer and that hydro-gel together, they're able to send these things in through a catheter. They're small enough. When they're cold they ball up. So they send them in through a catheter cuz they're super, super small. And they go in your body, and then using magnets they can direct it, direct it to the location it needs to be at. Okay, and then it gets there and? And then it gets there and warms up and it opens, and then it can flip backwards on itself to collect whatever it is it needs to be collecting. So, let's say you have some kind of a tumor, and they're not sure. They want to biopsy it. Well now in the future, hopefully soonish, you're going to be able to go in, and surgeons are going to be using these nano, like micro grippers. Send them in your body. Get and give material. Bring it back out of your body, and then test it. Like without having to cut you open at all. These little like, nano micro-gripping robots can go in there. Gee, that's really cool. It's awesome. Like, I saw this story today and I was just like, okay, so creepy. Do they re, the, so they, after they grab the thing they do what? So they can, there's a couple of things. Like, you can extract them the, the polymers you can extract, if they're magnetic you can extract them. Or you can have it send data. Like, you can pull them or, you know, somehow get them out. Or they have. But they don't just degrade in your body. Well the hydro-gel means that yes they can. They can but they don't. In case there's a mistake and one of them's in there. I think the way, exactly. Like, oh, we just left this critter. There's no guarantee they can get them all out because I think the. Idea here is that they would send like, many into you. Like, cuz they're tiny so it's like you'd send a whole bunch in there and then, you know, maybe you'd get a few of them out with like, the right amount of biopsy material, whatever it was that they wanted to go get. But they're saying that even like, at some point you might use it to like attack a tumor or, I mean, this, this is like, crazy. >Futuristic medicine at its finest. The John Hodgkin's University people are just so impressive, and I thought it was just so cool, and the goal, like I said- Oh yeah, what's the goal? >Is to have these be able to perform surgical actions, like collecting tissue for biopsy, in a non invasive way. So that's the whole entire point of these micro ripping things. So yeah, if you're a kid watching this show, when you're an adult and you need to go to the doctor a whole bunch cause you're like us- Yeah, they're gonna put. Starfish in your body,>> They are going to put tiny robot starfish in you that collect your stuff instead of having to cut you open which is pretty awesome Yeah, that's super coo! I just thought that was so awesome, and the video was so wield and creepy, and yeah I just love it, so tell me about the hotel, where are we going now. So meanwhile in Japan, that's my new saying We need to have a little small graphic Meanwhile in Japan. They're decided that they're going to make a hotel and a movie theater themed after Godzilla, Godzirra. Godzirra. Of course. Guess who's making it? Of course the creators of Godzilla. So it's not gonna be just some fans. It is toe hoed. The studio behind Godzilla. Oh my God. [CROSSTALK] They're building a movie theater. Yeah, these are, these are renders. These aren't real. They're building, they're building a movie theater. It is going to have Godzilla's head popping out, it's going to glow, it's going to roar every now and again. Oh boy. You can see it's popping out. It's pretty big. That's a huge head. And it's going to look over that little square. That's crazy. So it's going to look over directly at. A hotel which is going to have Godzilla themed rooms. But look it, I love this render where it's like, he's like hey guys, what are you doing in there? [UNKNOWN]. That's the low-end room. There's two rooms. Okay, the low-end room is like around like a hundred to two hundred dollars. The high end room, the Godzilla room, is 300, $334. Oh, my [INAUDIBLE] There it is. You get a big hand. Godzi, Godzilla claw. A big Godzilla claw coming into the room. It's awesome. Ready to smash you into a million pieces. It's really awesome. There's also. Yeah, that's, that's, so there's the cheaper one, and there's the expensive one. This is gonna come out in April. This is actually right around the time as the new Godzilla movie that, Toho's working on. It seems like really good timing. yeah, it's really cool. So yeah, again, it like, lights up. >The one in the booth here like lights up, it roars. How are you ever gonna sleep at night? Like, you're sitting there trying to sleep at night in the hotel and every hour it's like (screeching noise) and you're just like, "Oh Godzilla, shut up." >I mean if you're a big Godzilla fan, it's. Pretty awesome. Yeah. Pretty great. I- I wanna stay there. I'd stay there. I feel like [CROSSTALK] It, it says very popular area. So it would be kinda, just kinda cool to just stay there. I would totally stay there. So, okay, hashtag- $334. Hashtag of the day, TDHOTEL. If you could have, if, if you could stay in any themed hotel, what hotel would you stay in? Like, and what kind of am, and what kind of amenities would it offer? Mm kay, do you want to go first? I know, I- Mine's sad. Is yours sad? Why? Mine's Fallout. I don't want it to be fallout. It's really sad, cuz like there'd be skeletons everywhere, it'd be super dirty, everything would be rusty and then like the guy working the front desk would be a ghoul. Aw, that is sad. Yeah, it would be bad, and there would be rads, like I'd get radioactive from going there. Than have to pay with bottle caps? That's the upside. Do you pay with bottle caps? That's the upside. I like it. Alright, what do you got? No, I was going to say the Fallout Hotel, it's like you have to actually fight for your room. Like, you knock on the door and someone is like, who are you? And then have to just, like, kill them. And then stay in that room. Go into that room [LAUGH] Or talk to them through speech. Hit them with rags. I would say for me, if I could pick any universe, I'd feel like this is going to tie into tomorrow's show, but I feel like I would stay in a replication of, like, the gold saucer from Final Fantasy VII Oh I think that'd be really fun I'm bad at this. Yeah And there should be like chocobo racing you can bet on and stuff in real life Oh man I would totally. Stay in that hotel, and they could do that in Japan, and I guarantee you there's, Square Enix, listen. If you wanna make some extra cash, I'm just saying. It's just a really good opportunity for you. You're welcome. But I would say the gold saucer would be really, I mean, you would just call it the gold saucer. It'd be amazing. I feel like all of ours are, are video game, or video game themed. It's always video game related. Yeah. Although, I mean, I could imagine somebody saying like, oh, I, let me stay in like Battlestar Galactica themed hotel, where it's like you're on the, you're on a ship. Like that would be cool? Where you'd run out of food and water? Yeah, and you have Cylons coming after you every 33 minutes. And then, and then like, you're sleeping and you hear All Along the Watchtower. No, they just pump that through the entire hotel all the time. Over and over. So that's, that's the right answer. Yeah, they just play it over and over. The most annoying, they're all annoying hotel ideas. So what is it? TD Hotel? TD Hotel. TD Hotel. Send us your ideas. I think you, I think you guys are gonna come up with some really good ones. For that. Okay, so last story of the day, we've talked about this Violin-Bot. This is really cool. There's a guy out there named Seth Goldstein. Good. And he, he is a retired mechanical and bioengineer and he's got a lot of free time on his hands. He's retired. He's got a lot, he's, he likes to tinker with stuff and he's really good at tinkering with stuff. So in his spare time he makes these kinetic sculptures and this is one of them. It is called robow, b, o, w. Boo. Listen, he's probably a dad, might be a little bit of a dad joke, okay? This is a full size violin that this robot is playing. And it's kind of crazy how it works. So. The bow is being pushed by an arm, by like a robotic arm. And you can see the violin is tilting back and forth to, to sort of mimic the way that you would do it if you were holding it on your, holding it up to your chin. So it uses mechanical fingers to pick the frets. Mm-Hm. And this is kind of a neat part, So he made this custom software. That enables him to play notes on a keyboard. What? And then it translates that midi information into instructions for the little mechanized fingers on the frets. So you teach it, you teach it notes then. So he's playing the piano and then, this is not teaching it but it, it's. Translating that into- Yeah. Movement on the fretboard of the violin. So that's how it's able to play. Wow. [CROSSTALK] So if you can play the piano, you can play the violin. And you can now play violin with a giant robot. As long as you can actually make the robot, and also the software program that was customized to be able to. Do that. So, you have to. Nice job, Seth. So here's, those are the, those are the little mechanized surf actuators here, so it's like he'll play and then it, takes a note, and then it's, oh okay, right, I need to be pushing this this part of string or whatever. Really impressive and he did it all by himself. That's the thing that blows my mind like there's the software program. Just, you know, whatever as you do in your spare time. Is, is Seth married? Do we know? I don't know, but I think he should marry us. Yeah. Just the show. Like, just, just we'd like to be. You may not kiss the show. Tomorrow Daily Goldstein. So, [UNKNOWN]. That's fantastic. I wonder if he's gonna tackle any other interesting. Instruments, or if that's just, like, the one thing he did. So he did a, a, he did this kinetic sculpture a while back, and I forget what the name of it was. But it was basically a robot that just tied a, a tie, over and over again. Like a tie knot? It was like, it would just tie it, untie it and then re-tie it. But it was like. The fact that he does this by himself, like, for fun he just tinkering with it, is pretty remarkable and impressive. I mean he's kinda like the Chinese farmer who made the horse No, no he's not. But way, way more advanced. Yeah, he's not, he's not like the Chinese farmer that did. That nobody likes to. Maybe someday the Chinese farmer will make that, that's true, he is one of a kind. [INAUDIBLE] one of a kind. Row bow, nice job on that pun. Alright guys, we're gonna take a quick break, and then we are gonna come back with mod squad. There's a really good one we have this week. >and then, we view user feedback for your extra senses. You guys have some really good ones from the 8th sense. Oh, yeah. >And then, of course, our phone talk of the day. So don't click away, tomorrow daily. Welcome back to the show. We've returned. We've returned. It's Wednesday, which means it's kind of a grab bag of segments that we have. But this time around, we have Mod Squad. I feel like we should have like. Roll the graphic. [MUSIC] Like sort of like the [UNKNOWN] 1960's, sort of Maude, I don't know. You're gonna rip off somebody. I'm not gonna rip them off, like that, like that. Inspired by. Tina getting sued. Especially, Bryan, they,re gonna just sue Bryan Tong, just gonna go straight. Right [INAUDIBLE]. So this week on Mod Squad I, I found a couple of modern consoles that I thought were really cool. And they were older consoles which to me makes it a little bit more interesting. So, if you've ever wanted a toaster that doubles as a console you are in luck. Because that now exists. Actually, I'm sorry, the toaster does not w-. Work, so I should clarify, but the console in the toaster does work. This is the Nin-Toaster. And this is made a Finnish artist named Jarno Kota, oh boy, Kotavuopio. Mm-hm. Kotavuopio? Mm-hm. He mashed together at 1950s toaster and an NES, and this is not a mock up, this is actually a working console. You can put the cartridge in one of the toast slots, like as if it were a piece of toast. Oh, and does it go down? Come on do it. And then, watch. You'll see him put in Duck Tales. So he pops it in his console. Good choice. And then he presses that in and oh, there you go. That's how you turn it on. Oh wow. It's amazing. And then, then the controller goes into the other toast the toast slot. So that's, that's how it works. That's super awesome. Yeah, way to go. It's super amazing. I totally love that. I just think that is so freaking cool. And I, so he's done a few versions of this before. He did, this is Nintoaster 2.0. And other people have done mods like this, but I think that one wins style points, like for days, style points. Like the 1950s toaster is really good. Yeah, really cool. Some people have done with newer toasters but. Oh, okay. That was a cool toaster. And then the second one is from Mako Mod. Mako Mod is actually pretty, like, famous on the Internet for doing console mods. Oh, okay. And this one in particular is actually ten years old like this is been around for ten years. He just put it up on eBay. And sold it, and I'm, I'm having a Final Fantasy kick I feel like this week can be Final Fantasy week for you guys from me. He made this Playstation, he made Midgar from final Fantasy VII on top of a Playstation, work, working Playstation. Lights up, He's got to blow it up now Midgar lights up. It's really, really cool looking, and he did a really good job so he sold this thing on eBay at, for the ten year anniversary of it, being like in existence, and he ended getting like, I think it was $860 for it Not bad Yeah, so for an original PS1 I'd say that's a pretty good score. Yeah, I'd say that's a little bit of an upgrade. Yeah, a little bit of an upgrade. So, really cool really cool mods. That I saw this week Over just out and about on the internet. But but now it is time to talk about what you guys think so it's time for our user feedback. [MUSIC] Okay, so we asked you guys, or Maude and Khail asked you guys. Mm-hm. What extra sense. Yes. Would you want and I like that you said sense of humor. I like a sense of balance, sometimes I feel a little clumsy. Yeah. Maybe I could just be a little bit less like a, like a dying giraffe. Yeah. Sometimes it, I'm almost six feet tall you guys. I have really weak ankles. Some people will be like, man I got a crush you got balance. She looks fine falling over. She really does. Tilly wrote into us and said, I would like the ability to see WiFi signals. Yeah. I like that. Well, which ones are locked, as well. Yeah, which ones, safe, secure WiFi. You would be blinded if you saw WiFi. Yeah, everywhere. Neil wrote in and said, I would like to be able to sense what a woman is really feeling when she says, nothing. Oh, Man this guy's a stand up comedian. Like that guy. That made me, that made me laugh. Yeah that's good. I like that. Sean wrote in and said, I want to be able to smell and taste colors, aquamarine looks delicious. [LAUGH]. [LAUGH] It does. What do you think aquamarine would taste like? I feel like it would taste like a macaroon. A blueberry. A blueberry? Like, see, I feel like really lightweight like kind of sweet, kind of a cook, like a cookie. Like a really nice cookie. Oh, you like it to go for cookie? Yeah, something like that. And then Jesus wrote in and said in honor of Carl Sagan, a spidey sense for the detection of the immense amounts of baloney on the internet. [LAUGH]. I like that. That's real good. Sense baloney, a lot of baloney on the internet. And the Tim wrote in finally and said, I just want people to have common sense. Oh. Listen, soci, humanity, you're gonna need some cream for that sick burn Tim just put on you. Just FYI. All right, thanks for joining us on Tomorrow Daily. We'll see you guys. One word cure for this burn. Yeah, I'm going to need to go to a burn unit immediately. These are some pretty smart ones. These are really good, yeah.>> Yeah, nobody was just like, I wanna know where Teddy Bears are. You know, like, they were actually really good, so. I mean, that would be like, maybe like a four year old. Know where Teddy Bears are Yeah, I would like to know where Teddy Bears are. Just really lonely all the time. [LAUGH] Oh boy, it's time for our very last [UNKNOWN] user feedback, our phonetographer of the day. [MUSIC] Alright, so our phonetographer of the day is Troy. Which is really cool, I think it's a cool name, Troy. Yeah Seems really strong. >yeah. Anyway, he wrote in and said. I'm sorry, I was just off on a little tangent. Wrote in that friends and I were in Vegas in New Years, took a panoramic pic with iPhone 6, timed out right perfectly, so as to be at the top as the sun was setting. >Oh yeah, look at that! Love your show! You guys crack me up, Troy. Yeah, it's a really good picture. >That is the biggest ferris wheel. In the world. It even is bigger than the London Eye. Is it really? He's on a ferris wheel. Yeah. I have an innate and honest fear of ferris wheels. So do I. Like, I won't ride them. Yes. Neither will I. Terrifying. Yes. The one at Disneyland that has like the, the Oh the things that move? Slide down, nope. Nope. Definitely not. There's something wrong with ferris wheels, and I'm sorry, people who like ferris wheels, they're not okay. We are not okay with the ferris wheels I, that's weird, I didn't believe that, I didn't know that we both had a fear of ferris wheels. I learned that today. I don't like that. I'm terrified by that. The same heights in a moving bucket just seems, like why, it's not necessarily the actual ride. It's falling to my death in that bucket that makes me scared. I had a nightmare about one. Oh, a recurring nightmare? I like how this turned into fear sharing. Yeah, phobias. #TVPhobia. What's your irrational fear? Your fear-tographer of the day Your fear-tographer? That was great. Lots of panoramics. Troy you're braver than us. Yeah, yeah. Way to get into that giant ferris wheel and take that picture cuz I would. You scared us, the scariest episode that we've ever had. I feel a little bit of vertigo looking at that picture so thanks a lot you jerk. Yeah awesome, cool. If you want to be considered for phone-tographer of the day feel free to email us Tell us a little story. Send us your picture >We always look at everything, can't feature everything, but we always see it in our email. And then you can always send over story ideas, you can send over hashtag of the day. And if you want to find us on social media cause you absolutely hate email, or if you don't even know what it is because you're like a millennial, next-gen, post email person, you can find us on social media. Snapchat, Tumblr,. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, all Tomorrow Daily, Google+ Tomorrow Daily TV. How do you do business if you don't have an email, or don't use email? Text? Text messages? You can't like. Snapchat? You can't Snapchat your boss. This contract, boss this contract is gonna expire in 30 seconds. You're fired. Snapchat. That's like a Snapchat of him going. But if it went away in 30 seconds, would, would you say like it never happened? Yeah, I didn't get it. I would. I'll be like I didn't get it. Anyway, so if you're watching on YouTube, don't forget to subscribe and like the video. And if, if you're on SoundCloud, I don't know- We're sorry. I don't do, we're not there. Yeah, you're in the [CROSSTALK] But if you're on iTunes and you're listening to this podcast. Don't forget to rate and review. Yes, and we will be back. If you want to find us on our own personal social media, come harass us on the internet, we love it. Khail you are? @khailanonymous And I'm @ashleyesqueda. That is it for today's show we will be back tomorrow with a whole new weird, wonderful docket of future tech, and geek pop culture. Everything in between for you to enjoy and talk about, but until then, be good humans. I will see you guys next time. Bye! [MUSIC]

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