Health benefits of honey

22 Feb, 2015 - 05:02 0 Views

The Sunday News

High nutrient content

(1) The vitamins and minerals in honey include niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. That means that although you are adding additional calories, they are full of nutrients that your body needs to thrive.

(2) Allergy relief

Many people swear by honey’s ability to lessen symptoms of seasonal allergy. Honey does have anti-inflammatory effects and is known to soothe coughs, although no scientific evidence has proven its effectiveness in treating allergies. It is best to buy local, raw honey to treat the allergies in your environment.

(3) Natural antibiotic

Honey is naturally antimicrobial (that’s why it literally lasts forever; it has been found in tombs and such). So slather a bit on scrapes, minor cuts and basic burns, always using a clean implement, of course. Lightly cover the wound — basically you can use honey like a natural antibiotic cream.

(4) No expiration date

Spoilage by bacteria and mould is prevented by the hygroscopic nature of honey. It absorbs water, including the water in bacteria and mould! This effectively neutralises them and prevents spoilage.

(5) Face wash

Just mix a small dollop of honey with a bit of warm water in the palm of your hand, then massage over face, working up and out.

(6) Hair elixir

Add 1 teaspoon honey to a quart of warm water, dilute, then soak your hair in the mixture post-shampoo (no, you don’t need to rinse it, since it’s already diluted). You can also use straight honey on the ends of your do to calm frizz.

(7) Calm your nerves

Whether mixed in with a calming tea (try chamomile, fennel or lavender, or a mix thereof), on its own, or added to oatmeal at the start of the day, honey has long been used in India to quell nervousness, especially the kind associated with the stomach. Dr Oz recommends a mixture of honey, lemon, and ginger.

(8) Minimise scars

Plastic surgeons have been known to use honey to minimise scar tissue following surgery and speed up healing time dramatically.

(9) Cough suppressant

In clinical studies, honey has been shown to be as effective at calming coughs as over-the-counter cough medicines. Take it straight, or mix honey with coconut oil and lemon juice for additional benefits.

(10) No more insomnia

One of the many soothing properties of raw honey is its ability to help provide sleep relief. Honey may help facilitate the action of tryptophan, which helps make people sleepy. Use just a small amount of honey with a touch of salt to help with night time hot flashes. It helps to regulate your hormones and give you a restful night’s sleep.

All the numerous health benefits don’t mean honey is not caloric; one tablespoon yields 64 calories. Also, it’s crucial to remember that honey is not appropriate for children younger than 12 months because it can contain the bacteria that cause infant botulism. — <>


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