Opinion / Editorials

A true friend of peace

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-01-19 07:51

A true friend of peace

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) meets with his Sudanese counterpart Ali Karti in Khartoum, capital of Sudan, Jan 11, 2015. [Photo/Xinhua]

With its rising power, China actively participates in international affairs, but it maintains the constant stand that disputes and divergences should be peacefully settled through dialogue and negotiation, rather than the use of force.

For example, to support the mediation by East Africa's Intergovernmental Authority on Development in South Sudan, China has proposed discussions involving all relevant parties.

This pragmatic attitude has contributed to the constructiveness of its involvement in tackling some knotty issues.

But some wearing "tinted spectacles" habitually misjudge China. They make irresponsible remarks. These people have alleged that China's mediation efforts in South Sudan are simply to defend Chinese enterprises' investments in that country.

What they fail to mention is the conflict in South Sudan has claimed tens of thousands lives and made hundreds of thousands homeless in the past year. Local residents are the direct beneficiaries of China's mediation endeavors.

China does have sound cooperation with Sudan and South Sudan. And it is beyond reproach in seeking to defend its own interests. Yet it should be noted that China makes unremitting efforts to help solve the issues concerning Afghanistan, Syria and Iran as well, and these involve far less of its own interests.

In the special discussions in Khartoum, the two conflicting opponents in South Sudan said they support and will actively take part in the IGAD's mediation and cease-fire supervision, and welcome China providing support for the mechanism.

Big country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, in both practice and theory, has attracted more and more attention and approval from the international community, as China knows the practical needs of the developing and emerging economies much better than any of the big developed countries.

Serving the greater good as one rises is a principle ingrained in Chinese culture. China is always a trustworthy and honest partner and friend, which has won it wide approval from peoples around the world.

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