Rose of Tralee Maria offers Hope to slum children

Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh

Ralph Riegel

ROSE of Tralee Maria Walsh (27) captured the hearts of Calcutta's slum children after an inspiring trip to India to support the work of Irish charity, Hope Foundation.

The 56th Rose of Tralee admitted she was "overwhelmed and deeply moved" by the work Hope has undertaken in Calcutta, known as Kolkata in India.

Courageously, Maria insisted on being taken to all the slums where Hope's client youngsters live.

She spent one day touring the vast Howra municipal dump where hundreds of children spend their days scavenging for food or items they can sell to raise money for their families.

"It was a very moving experience," she said.

Her Calcutta trip came as the Rose of Tralee Festival confirmed it is to bid for the Fels Point Hotel, home to the event since 2007.