18 Struggles Only People Who Live With A Couple Understand

    Three is not company, stop it with your lies 1970s sitcoms.

    1. Coming home to a home-cooked meal! That is not for you.

    2. Instead of a welcome home kiss after work, you get Pottery Barn catalogs in your pile of mail.

    3. When you have a bad day, but only one person is getting cuddled on the couch.

    4. In general, the couch is reserved for them so you’re always relegated to a chair.

    5. When they leave the room and you KNOW they're going to have sex.


    7. You're probably going to get frostbite from wandering the cold streets when they have a "romantic night in."

    8. When you have to awkwardly listen to their arguments.

    9. Like whose turn it is to take out the trash.

    10. And then you try and mediate the argument so you can get back to watching Sleepy Hollow.

    11. But they'd rather you pick a side in their fight.

    12. You need to match BOTH of their schedules to marathon Gilmore Girls.

    13. You're always the third wheel to their couples Halloween costumes.

    14. THE BABY TALK.

    15. You never get their inside jokes.

    16. Your roommates are only friends with other couples, so there's NEVER any single hot guys around.

    17. Your version of the walk of shame is when you walk your hookup out your room to the door.

    18. But at the end of the day, you remember the most important thing. Your rent is split three ways. So you can spend more money on important things like liquor.