Bodh Gaya, Oct 22 (ANI): A group of Buddhist devotees from Thailand attended special peace prayers in the holy town of Bodh Gaya in Bihar. The prayers will be followed by 'Kathin Cheevar Daan', Buddhist tradtion of donating a wearing cloth to Buddhist monks. A Buddhist priest of Mahabodhi Society of India, Bhante P Sivli Thero, said Buddhist monk Bhante Harivansh has come from Thailand after observing three-months of 'Varsha Vaas', meditation in nature's lap in rainy season in Buddha religion. He is doing the Cheevar Daan in Venu Vana in Rajgir city. Venu Vana is an artificial forest in Rajgir, where one can enjoy eternal peace and meditate. Devotees from Thailand and other parts of the world have arrived in Bodh Gaya to participate in the ceremony of robe-offering. Buddhist scriptures describe Bodh Gaya as the "Navel of the Earth", where pilgrims and tourists from Sri Lanka, China, Japan and the entire of southeastern Asia throng to this holiest of Buddhist shrines every year.