Bungie patches a farming spot, players find another one

Oct 17, 2014 14:03 GMT  ·  By

It seems that Destiny sprung another loot leak, with a new loot cave discovered mere hours after developer Bungie nerfed the first two.

World of Warcraft's Chinese gold farmers are so famous that they have been immortalized in a trope of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game genre, and it appears that Bungie's creation will soon get its own breed of loot cave farmers.

The online multiplayer science fiction first-person shooter has been hugely successful, with ex-Halo dev Bungie sharing that over 3.2 million gamers enjoy it worldwide, for an average play time of 3 hours, each and every day, which is astounding, considering the fact that it's a brand new IP that's only been out for a month.

In any case, one of the main reasons to keep playing the game after completing the short and disappointing campaign, aside from pwning noobs in multiplayer, is to get better loot, which you can do in a multitude of ways.

There's the long-term planner way that everyone ignores, because it involves actually playing the game and patiently grinding rep in order to get some decent loot, and there's shooting at a cave entrance for hours in the slim (to be generous) hope of getting an overpowered legendary just like that.

Of course, the latter is the way that most players swear by, and Bungie is constantly trying to stop people from playing the game outside its boundaries.

Bungie is trying to crack down on farming, but new cracks appear all the time

The more the developer tries to keep Engram farming to a minimum, the more it seems that players are muttering "challenge accepted" to themselves, setting about to discover new areas to grind.

Although Bungie already nerfed the infamous "Loot Cave" and the second one that was discovered soon after, putting the glitch disposal uniform back in the closet and going out to celebrate, Destiny's players were quick to find a new spot to farm.

YouTube user TritanArmyV2 recorded a video showing the new farming spot, complete with handy instructions and commentary. The new loot cave is a bit more challenging to farm than the previous ones, since it requires a lot of moving, but it's said to be even faster than the former ones, as you are pretty close to where the enemies spawn, and therefore can also employ grenades.

Good luck with the farming, and don't forget that titans with the Increased Height perk can simply double jump on the ledge, and the Fallen will automatically spawn upon landing, without even requiring ledge contact, making it a really expedient prospect.