21 Super Photos Of The Super Moon

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Last Sunday marked the super-est of super moons we'll have for another 20 years. Luckily, many of you brought your cameras out to immortalize the moment.

Winner: Salem

I'm on vacation in Salem, Massachusetts. By the time I could take pictures Sunday night clouds had moved in. So here is a picture from Saturday's not quite as super moon. The moon is obscured by the cross on a church steeple. That made it appropriately creepy for Salem.


Fuji X-M1 with the 50-200mm lens. Manual exposure 1/1000 second, f/5.6, ISO 400. Edited in the Google Photos app on an Android tablet.


-David Lee

Super Bummer!


I was super excited to photograph the supermoon in Santa Barbara, and when I finally had the chance to do it, the moon was not that super anymore. I miscalculated the time it was supposed to show up at the horizon.

OK the photo is not actually the super moon, but technically if you think about, it is the super moon reflected on the ocean.


Canon 70D, 1s, f11, ISO100

-Alecio De Paula



Sony A7 with an old 70-300 for nikon mount and adapter, hand held, f11, ISO1000, 1/60th on the southern shore of Long Island.

-Bob Hristov

Crater Face


These were shot during the weekend here in Sligo, Ireland. Its a small town and I live out in the countryside where there is very little light pollution.

I shot them with my trusty Nikon S9100 point and shoot. I have a tripod but one of the legs is broken so i have to climb a tree at the back of the house and try to stabilize it on a branch lol


I got eaten alive by midgets but I think it was worth it! I call this pic 'crater face' as you can clearly see all the impact sites on the moons surface.

-Brian Fahey



Taken a couple days before the full moon. I took a good number of the full moon, but after comparing the moons side by side, the edge of the waxing moon highlighted the craters very nicely and that made for a better shot.

Canon 5d mkii, 70-200L + 2x converter, F/14, ISO 400, 1/400

-Caitlin Tam

From A Parking Lot


Taken from a school parking lot in Columbia, MD.

Canon Rebel SL1, f/11, ISO 1600, 1/125

-Cheryl MacLean



Chased the super moon through a couple different locations last night and, naturally, first couple shots prove to be the best ;-)

Lakefront in Southern Ontario with mooring house and passing sailboat .

Canon 5d Mark III, EF 70-200mm + Extender 1.4x III @ 245mm, Shutter 1/320, f7.1, ISO 250


-Daniel Jones

Row Housing


Plymouth, MA on the jetty. ISO 400 f/9.0 and 1/80. 400mm canon L series lens.

-Dan Rapoza

Martian Moon


I took my picture with my Nikon D5100 using the 55-300 mm zoom at maximum zoom (north of the 50th parallel I wish my zoom was even better). I started out on a grid road with my tripod but after the first 80 or 90 mosquito bites and realizing that I had nothing for depth of field went home. Thankfully I realized I could use the tree outside for my blurry foreground, snapped a few, and this was the one I liked best (at 1/200, f/10, ISO 400 with flash to light up the tree branches in the foreground) I played with contrast and colour in photoshop, and voila. M-O-O-N.

-David Hopkinson

Amish Moonrise


I took this shot while visiting rural Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Caught the moon rising above this farm next to where we were staying, so I snapped a few shots on Saturday a while before sunset. The photo was taken on my 7D, then cropped and composited to bring out the correct exposure/details in Photoshop. I had to decide between a few interesting shots I took that night, but this one had the most going for it.

-Dennis Comella

The Moon


-Frédéric Lussier



Canon 6D 70-200mm 2.8L @f4.5 1/100 ISO500...somewhere on the 5 between San Francisco and Los Angeles.

-Gavin Garrison

Double Dip


I went to Sammy's camera as soon as I got out of work Friday evening and bought the extender so that I can have 400mm of awesomeness. I shot this as a double exposure in order to get a good foreground and the bright moon in the background. I merged the images in PS and worked some lighting in Lightroom.

Foreground: f/16 ISO-100, Shutter 30 sec. with a flash pointing at the trees. Moon: f/64 ISO-100, Shutter 3 sec. Camera: Canon 5D Mk.III. Lens: Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L II with 2.0 Extender. Tripod: Cheapo amazon prime brandless tripod. Flash: Canon 600EX-RT. Other: Wireless trigger for camera and a 12 pack of Coronas


-Ivan Vargas

City View


-James Clayton

Dallas Moon


Supermoon taken through a cloudy sky in downtown Dallas.

Nikon D7100, F/29, ISO 260, Nikon 55-300mm Lens at 260mm, 0.5s exposure

-Joseph Rodrigo

Earth Moon


This was taken with a Nikon D3200 , Tamron 70-300mm (at 300mm) on a tripod, 1/500 at f/9.

It was overcast and cloudy, so I had to shoot between cloud banks.

-Joshua Thoele



Drove an hour outside of Pittsburgh to lose some city light. Nikon D600 with Tamron 300mm lens. 1/60 sec, f/20, 200 ISO.

-Neal Rosenblat

Cosmic Telescopic


I clicked this photo of Super Moon on 08/10/2014. I used my 114mm Celestron Telescope with a 25mm eyepiece and my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to capture this photo. Photo was clicked in Seattle around 11PM when it was dark. Photo was clicked with camera on the telescope eyepiece.

-Rahul Charles



I took a different take on taking pictures of the moon and embraced the overexposure. I figured there will be tons of pictures with giant orange moons.

This picture was taken with a Sony nex-7 18mm 3.5/f with a shutter speed of 180s and a polarizing filter. Adjusted the curves to get the colors to really come out, and reduce noise.


-Robert Whitten

Supermoon Rise and Sailing Yacht on Horizon


The rain stopped just in time before the sunset and with so much moisture soak up in the air above the bay, the Supermoon rise on the horizon as purple color right after the sunset!!

As the Supermoon rise to a higher position, it gradually change from purple to orange color and eventually to the regular (white) color.


Galveston Bay, Texas. D800, Sigma 150-500mm at 500mm, ISO 1250, F8, 1/100s, Tripod.

-Steven Ng

Mandatory Cat Meme


Shot with a Canon 70D, P mode, multiple exposure.Thought it would be a good idea to give my cat a moon halo but it looks more like a bright idea.

-William Hagerty

Gorgeous entries all around. It's crazy to consider where we'll be when the next, equally super moon rolls around to visit. See you in a few decades. Until then, find the big shots on flickr.
