AZ Gov: One GOP hopeful has hair for the job

Linda Valdez
The Republic |
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, former governors Jane Dee Hull, Janet Napolitano and Rose Mofford (clockwise from upper right)

Christine Jones has this walking away.

If we judge her pitch to be the GOP candidate for governor based on tresses, she has no equal in this race.

Don't call me sexist or hair-ist. This is about tradition.

Arizona has a history of women with good hair in the Executive Tower. And it's a bipartisan tradition.

Who could forget Democratic Gov. Rose Mofford, with her Dairy Queen swirl of blazing platinum hair? She was our first woman governor and she set a standard almost as high as her coif.

Republican Gov. Jane Dee Hull carried on that tradition. Her colorful 'do never rumpled under pressure or ruffled in the political winds.

Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano? Not so much. She's the exception that proves the rule. Besides, she ran out on Arizona mid-term. We couldn't count on her, so we won't count her.

Our current GOP Gov. Jan Brewer has her faults – heaven knows. But her hair looks great even when she's wagging a finger in the face of the leader of free world. What's more, this lady's hair is all about diversity. She never leaves home without a style.

When it comes to mane traditions, there's only one choice for GOP primary voters. Jones' free-flowing coppery locks leave her opponents in the dust. She tops 'em all.

But that's in August – and I really do want to be fair to the fellas.

Democratic candidate Fred DuVal has a nice head of hair, too.

A DuVal versus Jones match-up would be an interesting tress-off in November.