New Emerging Neurotechnology That Will Change the World



MetaScan 3: Emerging Technologies is a recent study published by Policy Horizons Canada and Michell Zappa, data visualizer, that highlights new emerging neurotechnology that will change the world.  The study showcases many new breakthroughs in the technology and neuroscience fields.

The first member of the neurotechnology list is Proactive Software Agents. These software applications have the ability to predict and discern the likely future needs for whomever is utilizing the application. Potential uses include intelligently scheduled messages, email sorting, and valuable advice giving capacities. The report states that the neurotechnology is scientifically available today, will be accepted into the mainstream in 2016, and be financially lucrative in 2022.

Neural Network Image Recognition: By using millions of processor cores programmed algorithmically to determine the content of a given image, the next evolutionary stage for reverse searches is achieved as the technology can successfully understand a photo. This is scientifically available today, will be introduced in the mainstream by 2021, and financially lucrative in the following year.

Emotion Tracking: This neurotechnology uses computer vision and sensors to correctly identify the emotions someone is experiencing. It has already been implemented in various projects, including a virtual therapist developed by USC which garnered positive feedback from its patients. This is scientifically available now, accepted in the mainstream by 2018, and financially lucrative the next year.

Predictable Crime Prevention: This involves the utilization of sociometric sensors paired with neural linked computers to accurately determine a crime’s probability of occurring before it even it happens.  According to the report, this technology will be scientifically available in 2022, accepted in the mainstream the following year, and profitable in 2027.

The study of new emerging neurotechnology that will change the world also illustrated new developments in the field of extended cognition. One of which being Neural Biofeedback. This technology will give users real-time fMRI and/or EEG displays of brain activity. This is done with the goal of controlling central nervous actions: scientifically available today, accepted in the mainstream next year, and profitable by the year after that.

Next-generation Neuropharmacology: Molecular and behavioral neuropharmacology are benefitting from rapidly moving advancement. Due to the increase in understanding of the nervous system and the augmentation of technology, the advancement of pharmaceutical drugs that specifically handle an ailment with limited side effects is scientifically available. This technology will be readily available in the mainstream by 2026, and generate significant funds for the pharmacy industry the following years.

The report of new emerging neurotechnology that will change the world coincides with hypotheses from technological experts and observers, as well from their counterparts in the medical and biological fields, that computers and the human consciousness and anatomy are getting closer and closer, and soon will overlap. Where computers and humans will inhabit the same system and use each other to become better, more intelligent, more efficient, longer living specimens.

However, some have made their objections known to advances like this neurotechnology. Specifically that once humans are paired with computers, they will lose all sense of identity, or even worse, become subservient to computers. Despite these objections, the technology continues to improve exponentially.

By Andres Loubriel

Business Insider
Psych Central


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