Swearing like a sailor: Rania Youssef charged $2,800 for cursing at her ex-hubby

Published June 8th, 2014 - 06:50 GMT
Rania wasn't too happy to see her ex-hubby last week! (Image: Facebook)
Rania wasn't too happy to see her ex-hubby last week! (Image: Facebook)

We're not sure if it was a slip of the tongue, but Rania Youssef's foul mouth landed her into trouble last week, when she was charged for swearing at her ex-hubby Khaled Radwan

The Egyptian actress clearly had some buried hateful feelings towards Radwan, who she cursed at in public without holding a thing back.

Luckily for Radwan, the only things hurt were his feelings! The Egyptian Economic Court charged Rania with $2,800 for "emotional damages," and an additional $140 as compensation.

Keep it clean next time Miss Youssef!


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