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Sri Lanka Insurance flag flies high at MDRT


21 July 2016 12:00 am - 0     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The Sri Lanka Insurance flag was flown high in the international arena once again when 42 of its top Life Insurance sales achievers qualified for the elite Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) Annual Conference 2016 held from June 12 – 15 in Vancouver, Canada. This is the biggest contingent to represent SLIC at this leading finance industry event. 
Acceptance to the MDRT is a privilege that is reserved for the best of the best in the Life insurance and other areas of the financial industry. It’s a guarantee given to the public that members have exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. 
To qualify for this elite gathering, Sri Lankan insurance advisors needed to achieve premium targets of over Rs. 4.8 million, while those who have surpassed targets of Rs. 14.4 million and Rs. 28.8 million qualified for the ‘Court of the Table’ and ‘Top of the Table’ membership respectively. Over 43,000 professionals representing over 470 organisations in 71 countries are members of the MDRT. 
The SLIC team members who qualified to attend the 2016 MDRT conference were  M.M.S.K. Nawaratne, V. Nandakumar, N.G.D. Nissanka, W.P.W. Wijayamohan, K.N. Indika, S.M.M.G. Subasinghe Banda, W.M.M.P.Y. Seuwandi, Y.M.G.M.G. Wijayarathna, N. Nagarajah, K. Krishnabavan, K.S.W. Wickramasinghe, W.U. Liyanage, R.R. Thushara Rathnayake, A.H.W.A. Prasad, P.K.G.N.P.K. Poththawela, W.M.N. Weerasooriya, W.V.P. Wijesiri, S. Sudakaran,. N. Sakthiavani,  J.M.W.R.  Jayasinghe, B. Ariharan, W.A. Ravichandra, A.M.P.W. Aberathne, A.D.T. Ruwan, B.D.S. Mendis, S. Jeyakumar, R.K.S. Premathilaka, M.A.S. Anuradha, S. Pathirana, W.M.N.K. Wickramasinghe, Y. Sajeesh, Mr. R.A.R. Perera, S.K. Premasiri, P.D.A. Kumari, I.D.P.A. Fernando, J.A. Jayasinghe, K.M. Lokubandara, D.M.G. Senarath Bandara, E.M.R. Ekanayake, W.S. Lakmal, G. Nirmalakajan and D.R.C. Jayasinghe. 
The MDRT was founded in 1927 and is recognised across the world as “the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business”. It provides a forum each year for top sales achievers from around the world to share their sales experiences with each other. 
They also get the opportunity to improve their technical knowledge on sales and client service while maintaining high ethical standards. Focus sessions and exhibitions are a part of the conference in addition to presentations made by the main platform speakers. Next year’s conference is scheduled to be held in Florida, USA from June 4 - 7. 


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