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News » News » India » CES 2012: Samsung unveils new Galaxy Tab 7.7

CES 2012: Samsung unveils new Galaxy Tab 7.7

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CES 2012: Samsung unveils new Galaxy Tab 7.7

The device has a 7.7 inch Super AMOLED Plus display at 1280 by 800 pixel resolutions.

New Delhi: Samsung Electronics Co unveiled its latest tablet using a 7.7-inch OLED display at the CES 2012, and said the product will be available through US mobile carrier Verizon Wireless.

The device is the Korean electronics giant's first tablet using organic light emitting diodes (OLED), which boasts better picture quality than mainstream LCD flat-screens.

The Tab 7.7 runs Android 3.2, with the TouchWiz software on-board.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 on Verizon is said to be the thinnest and lightest of Samsung's tablet line including the Galaxy Tab 10.1. The device has a 7.7 inch Super AMOLED Plus display at 1280 by 800 pixel resolutions. Powered by a 1.4GHz dual-core CPU, it offers 16GB of storage space. It sports a 3 megapixel rear-facing camera with flash and a 2 megapixel front-facing camera.

Measuring 7.89 mm thin and weighing 0.75 pounds, it is also touted to be lighter and thinner.

According to the PC World website, the Tab 7.7 has an IR port along its top horizontal edge. The port works with Peel's Smart Remote software.

With additional inputs from Reuters

first published:January 10, 2012, 15:17 IST
last updated:January 10, 2012, 15:17 IST