As yet another AAP MLA, Kartar Singh Tanwar, was raided on Wednesday by the Income Tax Department, party chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal released an angry video expressing apprehension that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will “get me killed”.

In the last one-and-a-half years, since the AAP swept the Delhi Assembly polls, winning 67 of the 70 seats, as many as 10 of its elected representatives have been arrested on charges ranging from rioting to crimes against women.

With his 11th MLA facing IT raids, Kejriwal mounted a severe attack on the Centre, wondering whether the “country is in safe hands” and suspecting that “Modiji, in his frustration, is crushing political opponents with brute force”.

Referring to the series of arrests of AAP MLAs as well as the feared disqualification of 21 legislators for holding ‘office of profit’, Kejriwal said Modi is the “mastermind” of the “cycle of oppression” against AAP and that he is hell bent on “destroying AAP”. Kejriwal sought to remind AAP volunteers, MLAs and Delhi Ministers that things will get worse in the coming days, and exhorted them to “leave” if they are not strong enough.

“You think over it, talk to your families. This is going to get worse in the coming days.

“He (Modi) can go to any extent and may get us killed. He may get me killed as well. Talk to your families and see if you are ready for the ultimate sacrifice. All the MLAs will anyway have to go to jail. If you are ready, then stay with us or if you have weaknesses, then leave,” he said.

Vanquishing the party “Modi has lost all sense of proportion and is hell bent on vanquishing the AAP,” the CM said in a nearly 10-minute-long video message posted online.

Kejriwal, who has called Modi a psychopath and coward in the past, said the country would be in danger if the Prime Minister starts taking decisions guided by “no rhyme or reason but anger”.

“For me, the biggest reason to worry is the fact that if a country’s PM starts taking decisions in anger then the country will be in danger. Who knows he might be doing the same when it comes to many such decisions.

“Important thing is not the arrests of our MLAs. Is the country in safe hands?” he asked.

“You must have seen the attempts to crush the AAP. Ten MLAs have been arrested, IT raid has been conducted on one, and attempts are being made to disqualify 21 MLAs through false allegations of office of profit.

“This is like a cycle of oppression. I was wondering why this is happening. People question as to why I blame Modiji. I want to know who is the mastermind behind the raids by CBI, IT department etc.”

“Amit Shah, Modiji, PMO. All of them are together. Shah is doing it on Modiji’s prodding but it is happening from one source. Insiders say that Modiji is extremely angry with us and he is not thinking logically about it.

“Because daily arrests make no sense. Especially when all of them get bail within days and they could not prove a thing. He is not using his brain while dealing with us. A few people say he has been unable to digest the good work in Delhi, others say the defeat in Delhi, while the rest say it is due to the support we are getting in Punjab, Goa and Gujarat,” the Delhi CM said.