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Create a Cook leaves failure out of the kitchen

Joan Horner (right) checked in with kitchen assistant Kim Young during a Mommy and Me cooking class for 3- to 5-year-olds at her Newton business, Create a Cook.Michele McDonald for The Boston Globe

As part of her severance package from a high-level banking job in late 2004, Joan “Jo” Horner was able to enroll in a one-year professional development program at her former employer’s expense. The Boxborough resident, who began teaching herself how to cook in the sixth grade, completed a professional chef’s program at the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts. Since that “best year of my life,” Horner said, she has devoted her career to the food industry. She began developing menus at Create a Cook in Newton in 1995, and bought the business four years ago.

Q. How has the business model changed in the 20 years you’ve been involved?

A. Create a Cook was originally a kids’ school, with classes for little ones and teens, birthday parties, and school vacation and summer camps. Those are still offered, along with an adult component we added five years ago. Now we also have date nights, bachelorette and family parties, and corporate team building.


Q. How early are children introduced to cooking?

A. For ages 3 to 5, we have adult-child classes with simple recipes. These are very popular, since with so many other activities parents have to watch from the sidelines. It’s a drop-off format for kids 6 to 9, 9 to 11, and 11-plus.

Q. Are fresh ingredients and healthy recipes a given?

A. It’s funny. Moms tell us again and again they want healthy menus, so we’ve offered everything you can think of, but only the chocolate classes sell out — and it’s not the kids who are booking them. With that said, we feel everything we do is healthy because all our recipes are made from scratch. We make a real concerted effort to introduce all sorts of produce that kids wouldn’t normally eat, and get them to think outside the normal pizza and burger box.

Q. Is anyone unteachable in the kitchen?

A. Absolutely not! Part of it is fear of starting. This recipe is daunting. What do they mean by this term? Tons of people come in who do not cook at home and have never touched a knife. We promise we will not let you fail, and you will have a fun experience with a delicious meal at the end. And they do come back. The best part is you walk in the door, make a mess, and leave.

Create a Cook is at 53 Winchester St. in the city’s Newton Highlands section. Call 617-795-2223 or visit www.createacook.com.

Cindy Cantrell may be reached at cindycantrell20@gmail.com.