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Nigeria leads African teenagers to ITTF World Juniors

By Editor
26 April 2016   |   1:12 am
The African Table Tennis Federation (ATTF) has confirmed Nigeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria as the continent’s flagbearers at the 2016 ITTF World Junior Championship holding in Cape Town...
PHOTO: sportskeeda.com
PHOTO: sportskeeda.com

The African Table Tennis Federation (ATTF) has confirmed Nigeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria as the continent’s flagbearers at the 2016 ITTF World Junior Championship holding in Cape Town, South Africa in October.

In a statement by the President of ATTF, Khaled El-Salhy, the four teams confirmed their qualification among the 12 teams that featured at the last ITTF African Junior & Cadet Championship in Algiers.

Egypt and Nigeria will compete in the boys and girls’ events at the global tournament in South Africa, while the girls’ team from Algeria and the boys’ team from Tunisia will join the two continental superpowers at the World Cadet Championship holding in China in November.

The four countries that will represent Africa at the championship will be joined by host, South Africa, who will present its boys and girls teams for the competition.

The continental body also named the eight-man team that will constitute African team for the 2016 World Cadet Challenge in China.

The team is dominated by players from Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria, while Nigeria and Congo Brazzaville completed the list.