Driver injured in collision : The Tribune India

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Driver injured in collision

MANDI: The driver of a jeep sustained serious injuries in a road accident near Aut in the district this morning.

Driver injured in collision

The jeep that rammed into a bus in Aut, Mandi. Photo: Jai Kumar

Tribune News Service

Mandi, July 30

The driver of a jeep sustained serious injuries in a road accident near Aut in the district this morning.

The accident took place when the jeep (HP 49 1247) collided with an HRTC bus (HP 66 4147) coming from the opposite side inside the Aut tunnel.

Sources said a car broke down inside the tunnel and bus driver Narender Kumar while turning vehicle collided with the jeep. At the time of the accident, the visibility in the tunnel was low as lights were not on in the tunnel.

Injured jeep driver Om Prakash was immediately rushed to a hospital in Kullu. However, passengers of the bus escaped unhurt.


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